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Changing the Python release cadence

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By Jake Edge
October 23, 2019

There has been discussion about the release cadence of Python for a couple of years now. The 18-month cycle between major releases of the language is seen by some core developers as causing too much delay in getting new features into the hands of users. Now there are two competing proposals for ways to shorten that cycle, either to one year or by creating a rolling-release model. In general, the steering council has seemed inclined toward making some kind of release-cycle change—one of those Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) may well form the basis of Python's release cadence moving forward.

Some history

The idea had undoubtedly been discussed before, but the current push began with a 2018 Python Language Summit presentation on changing to a yearly major release that was given by Łukasz Langa—the release manager for Python 3.8 and 3.9. Roughly a year later, he proposed doubling the release frequency in the first posting of PEP 596 ("Python 3.9 Release Schedule"). That would mean a major Python release every nine months. Around the time that PEP 596 was being discussed, Nick Coghlan created PEP 598 ("Introducing minor feature releases"), which was meant to speed up feature releases; it was an early progenitor of the rolling-release model.

Nine months, as proposed in PEP 596, was too fast of a cycle for many, but the steering council did indicate support for a change of the release cycle; a one-year cycle was seemingly a better fit for most commenters. The council thought that the 3.9 schedule PEP was the wrong place to propose this kind of change, however; it suggested that a new PEP be created to propose the cadence change. To that end, Langa created PEP 602 ("Annual Release Cycle for Python"), returning to his original one-year cadence that was better received than the shorter cycle.

In the discussion of the PEP, Steve Dower suggested an even faster pace of continuous alpha releases. Coghlan was intrigued by Dower's proposal, so they teamed up to create PEP 605 ("A rolling feature release stream for CPython"). When it was posted for discussion, Coghlan noted that he had withdrawn his earlier proposal in favor of the new one.

PEP 605 itself is something of a wall of text, but it is also accompanied by a lengthy design discussion posting as well. As part of the discussion on both PEPs, though, it became clear that there was some confusion about the background and, in particular, what problems they were both trying to solve. That, naturally, led to yet another PEP, which was authored by Langa, Dower, and Coghlan: PEP 607 ("Reducing CPython's Feature Delivery Latency"). Looking at that PEP would seem to be a good starting point for disentangling the various pieces here.


PEP 607 lays out a number of reasons for "delivering smaller collections of features to Python’s users more frequently"; it also describes the reasoning for making major releases at roughly the same time of year (every year for PEP 602 and every other year for PEP 605). The size of the batches of features that are delivered is one of the areas that the PEPs are trying to address. Right now, roughly 18 months worth of changes are delivered at once, which increases the chances that there will be problems for users while also complicating the process of tracking down where any problem came from because there are more interacting features to wade through. PEP 602 simply reduces the 18-month window to a 12-month window, while PEP 605 will regularly deliver new features every two months for "a subset of Python’s user base that opts in to running a rolling stream of beta releases".

Then there is the problem of latency between the development of features and their delivery to users. Given that missing a particular major release means that a feature will languish for another 18 months, developers may push changes before they are truly ready. Similarly, features that could be in the hands of users are simply hanging around in the repository unused. Once again, the PEP 602 solution is simply shortening the cycle;

PEP 605 proposes to address it by actively creating a community of Python users that regularly install and use CPython beta releases, providing an incentive for core developers to start shipping changes earlier in the pre-release cycle, in order to obtain feedback before the feature gets locked down in a stable release.

Regularity in the release schedule is helpful to coordinate with other projects (e.g. Linux distributions) and events in the Python world (e.g. PyCon US, core developer sprints), but it is also helpful to regular users—and developers. Rather than consulting a calendar or PEP, the dates of interest will be predictable: major releases in October every year for PEP 602 or August of every other year for PEP 605. Other dates (feature freezes and the like) can be derived from that baseline.

It is also generally the case that major changes in the CPython interpreter or the standard library are not actually tested by users until after a major release. That means the feedback on new features is limited until after they have been solidified, requiring a multi-year deprecation cycle to correct any problems. Both of the PEPs are targeting ways to get feedback earlier in the cycle. PEP 602 would start the alpha period for a new release immediately after the major release (i.e. October of each year), while PEP 605 has a wider scope:

PEP 605 proposes to address this problem by actively promoting adoption of CPython pre-releases for running production workloads (not just for library and application compatibility testing), and adjusting the pre-release management process as necessary to make that a reasonable thing to do.

There are, of course, risks when changing the release cadence, some of which both PEPs have considered. Users and distributors may either skip some major releases or may update every time the language does. PEP 602 may cause some of the "skippers" to skip two releases instead of just one, but there is a prolonged deprecation cycle that will hopefully ensure that doing so will not miss out on deprecation warnings. For non-skippers, the support periods will remain roughly the same as they are today under PEP 602 (roughly 18 months of full support plus 42 months of security-fix-only support).

PEP 605 takes a different approach, obviously. Skippers may simply end up moving to the non-skipper bucket since there will be 24 months between major releases. Non-skippers should find that each release will have prolonged full support (roughly 24 months) with a shorter period of bug-fix-only support (36 months) added on. In addition, the idea is that the two-month beta releases will be more widely used, thus tested, which will lead to "more stable final releases with wider ecosystem support at launch".

Meanwhile, those who follow the CPython master branch should see no real impact, though PEP 605 is trying to entice them into switching to a better tested rolling beta stream. Third-party libraries are obviously a major component of the Python ecosystem; these include things like NumPy, SciPy, Django, and all manner of libraries available in the Python Package Index (PyPI). For those, the major pain point is the number of different Python versions that need to be simultaneously supported. This is an area where it would seem that PEP 605 has a clear advantage in that there will be fewer major releases made. The overall support period for a given release is the same in each PEP (60 months), so there will be roughly twice as many active major releases under PEP 602, though it will only be a minor increase from the current situation.

Which is not to say that PEP 605 is without flaws, though. It is a big change from what the Python ecosystem is used to, while PEP 602 is a fairly straightforward shortening of the existing state of affairs. The main complaint in the PEP 602 discussion thread (aside from those that spawned PEP 605) was about the October date, which is poorly situated for Fedora. For the most part, commenters were either in favor or neutral. In fact, most of the comments were about the still-under-discussion ideas that eventually resulted in PEP 605.

Rolling ... or roiling?

In the PEP 605 discussion, things were more mixed. Langa, unsurprisingly, was opposed to the approach. Paul Moore was skeptical that the larger projects in the ecosystem would participate in the rolling releases, leading to simply a slower release cycle. The term "beta" was discussed, as well, with some wondering if it had baggage that would worry potential adopters. But Coghlan said that there may be some confusion about what he and Dowers are aiming for:

There seems to be a fundamental disconnect here, where folks seem to think Steve and I want everyone to start using the rolling releases. We don’t - we only want folks that are thoroughly dissatisfied with the slower full release cadence to use them.


Globally, my guess is that the latter group would number somewhere in the thousands (somewhere between 0.1% and 1% of our user numbers), which should be sufficient for more robust pre-release feedback. It wouldn’t be the millions that use the stable releases, but that’s a large part of the point: encouraging a larger group of self-selected early adopters to contribute to improving API designs before we lock them down in a stable release for the rest of our multiple-orders-of-magnitude larger overall user community.

PEP 605 proposes that the two-month rolling releases be broken up into alpha releases, which could contain changes to the CPython ABI, and beta releases that would maintain ABI compatibility. That would mean that C-language extensions might need to be reworked and rebuilt for the alpha releases, but should not need to be for the beta releases. The "alpha" and "beta" terms are being used rather differently than most expect. It also leads to a rather unexpected pattern of release numbers, both of which may be contributing to the confusion. For example, the first 3.9 rolling release would presumably be an alpha, thus 3.9.0a1; after that, there would likely be betas for the next few bimonthly releases: 3.9.0b2, 3.9.0b3, ... If there were an ABI breaking change for the fourth release, though, it would be 3.9.0a4.

That unconventional pattern of release versions was considered potentially confusing by several in the discussion. Fedora Python maintainer Miro Hrončok noted that the distribution would have to hack things to make the versions sort correctly. Moore agreed:

Overall, mixing alphas and betas like this seems like a fairly gratuitous violation of an extremely common convention, and while we can argue all we like that it won’t affect anyone in practice, it’s still going to break a lot of assumptions.

The discussion continues as of this writing. At some point, the council will need to decide between the two—or to stay with the status quo. As council member Brett Cannon said in early October, there will be a need to make a decision fairly soon in order to nail down the 3.9 schedule, which effectively started running on October 14 with the release of Python 3.8. There is also an upcoming election for a new steering council, which will "basically freeze up PEP decision making until mid-December". It should be noted that Coghlan is also a member of the council, but seems likely to recuse himself from a decision on a PEP that he has co-authored.

Though the rolling model seems like a huge departure, it does really only affect a self-selected subset of the Python community. The 24-month major release cycle will certainly have more widespread effects, but is not a huge stretch. In fact, while Python has been released on an 18-month cycle for some time, it is documented to be an 18-24-month cycle, so PEP 605 does not really make any changes to that—just to "recent" practice. One might guess that the council will lean toward the least "radical sounding" proposal, thus PEP 602, but one never knows. Langa is the Python 3.9 release manager, which may also be a factor, but certainly PEP 605 and the status quo should not be counted out. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 23, 2019 17:05 UTC (Wed) by Otus (subscriber, #67685) [Link] (2 responses)

18 months is already more often than I want to consider changing the runtime. I like the Ubuntu model where there is a 6-month release cycle, but "real releases" that are recommended for most users only happen every two years. So you can be an early adopter without risking serious breakage, but can run on a more stable platform when you don't need the latest stuff.

Maybe a hybrid of 602 and 605 where there are yearly releases, but even ones are more conservative (no new deprecations, keywords or anything like that) and get a longer support life. Or point releases that would bring certain features to a stable release through __future__ midway between a two-year cycle.

But really, I'd prefer a slower moving Python anyway, so I'm probably not in the target audience.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 25, 2019 12:48 UTC (Fri) by rioting_pacifist (guest, #134765) [Link] (1 responses)

> But really, I'd prefer a slower moving Python anyway, so I'm probably not in the target audience.

I feel the same way.

I can understand pythonic python developers want all the latest and greatest features straight away, but as a humble sysadmin I like as little change as possible, so the regular beta+2 yearly cycle sounds ideal.

There are obviously risks with not doing releases to the public often enough (Perl 6/Raku), but i suspect yearly releases might be a factor in why there are fewer desktop tools written and packaged by distros in Ruby than in python which itself has less than perl.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 29, 2019 3:56 UTC (Tue) by lsl (guest, #86508) [Link]

Would you have the same reservations if there was a strong commitment to compatibility with existing code?

So you would get new features (and possibly new bugs) but no (intentional) breaking changes, with any inadvertent breakage being treated as a serious regression.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 24, 2019 4:52 UTC (Thu) by flussence (subscriber, #85566) [Link] (2 responses)

Rolling release is a good idea but only if they stick to it.

Perl 6 had a monthly release cycle, which worked well… up until early this year when something happened, they decided to skip 4 months, and the build tooling silently broke in the meantime. (And judging by Gentoo's package being stuck at 2019.03 and my own inability to compile it from source, nothing's changed.)

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 24, 2019 21:46 UTC (Thu) by kjpye (subscriber, #81527) [Link] (1 responses)

Really? I compile Perl 6 (now Raku) from source daily -- indeed I just went and compiled it to make sure.

If you're using rakudobrew to build it, and you have a really old version, then you'll need to delete it and start again. The new version has many advantages, but they required a different disk layout which is incompatible with older versions.

The next rakudo release is imminent, and will probably be followed fairly quickly by a Rakudo Star release which is more end-user focussed.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 25, 2019 0:45 UTC (Fri) by flussence (subscriber, #85566) [Link]

> If you're using rakudobrew to build it, and you have a really old version, then you'll need to delete it and start again.

I've built it straight from git since long before rakudobrew existed, and using a completely fresh checkout doesn't help.

The configure script dies with a missing function error:

HEAD is now at 93f8ff873 [MoarVM Bump] Brings 5 commits
Building NQP ...
/usr/bin/perl Configure.pl --prefix=/home/me/perl6/install --make-install --git-protocol=https \
        --no-relocatable --no-ignore-errors --silent-build --backends=moar --gen-moar
Undefined subroutine &main::slurp called at Configure.pl line 52.
 at /home/me/perl6/rakudo/nqp/3rdparty/nqp-configure/lib/NQP/Config.pm line 35.
        NQP::Config::__ANON__("Undefined subroutine &main::slurp called at Configure.pl line"...) called at Configure.pl line 51

That function *is* exported in the same Config.pm that stacktrace comes from though, so… what the hell?

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 24, 2019 13:28 UTC (Thu) by kleptog (subscriber, #1183) [Link] (2 responses)

One thing switching to Python3 has revealed is: the language is still changing and this inevitably leads to gratuitous code churn and incompatibilities between setups. Python2.7 was stable, ran everywhere and worked the same for many years without change.

Don't get me wrong, I like some of the new features being added, like async/await, but lets not forget every release is overhead that not every Python project can afford. So I think the suggestion for a 2-yearly LTS-type release would be good, because then you can as a project simply declare you support only those to reduce the load.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 24, 2019 23:21 UTC (Thu) by NYKevin (subscriber, #129325) [Link] (1 responses)

Python 2.7 was stable largely because they stopped feature development in favor of Python 3. Python 2.7 itself introduced quite a lot of new stuff and was very much a feature release. It only looked stable because there was no 2.8 after it.

Changing the Python release cadence

Posted Oct 25, 2019 12:04 UTC (Fri) by rioting_pacifist (guest, #134765) [Link]

> It only looked stable because there was no 2.8 after it.

The net result was users of the language and tools written in the language, had a great experience, everything just worked for a bit.

Comparison with Ruby

Posted Oct 24, 2019 14:18 UTC (Thu) by david.a.wheeler (guest, #72896) [Link]

Ruby is probably the widely-used language most like Python, and they manage annual releases (Christmas) just fine.

However, Ruby is usually quite careful to maintain backwards compatibility, so the faster releases than 18 months are generally a non-issue. The Python community will need to do the same for a faster release cadence to make sense. Almost nobody wants to constantly rewrite their code.

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