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See also: last week's Security page.


News and Editorials

Qualys Detects and Provides Analysis of Newly-Discovered Linux Trojan. Qualys has put out a press release on how its tools can detect and remove the "new and potentially dangerous Remote Shell Trojan, referenced as RST.b, with backdoor and self-replicating functionality." If anybody out there has actually encountered this beast, we would be interested in hearing about it.

MS' highest priority must be security - Billg (Register). The Register has Bill Gates's memo stating that Microsoft will now focus on security. Plus, of course, some commentary of their own. "Hello? Earth to Bill -- it took years of grinding public humiliation for MS to make a simple modification preventing malicious executables from launching automatically in Outlook. If this is Gates' idea of a security job well done, then all we have here is another PR smokescreen."

Security Reports

Mozilla Cookie Exploit. According to this Bugtraq post from Marc Slemko a bug in versions prior to Netscape 6.2.1 or Mozilla 0.9.7 allows "...an attacker to, if he can convince the user's browser to load a given URL, steal their cookies for any given domain. It does not require that active scripting is enabled in the browser, and can be done with something as simple as an image tag." Since many sites use cookies for authentication, an attacker may be able to impersonate a user by using cookies stolen in this manner.

Red Hat security update to uucp. Red Hat has updated its uucp package to fix a vulnerability in the uuxqt utility. It seems that uuxqt does not check its options very well, allowing an attacker to execute commands as the uucp user. If you have uucp installed on your system (even if you're not actually using it), you may want to apply this update. But, this subsequent Bugtraq posting states that the Red Hat update does not fix the whole problem.

Security update to enscript. Enscript has a temporary file handling bug. Updates fixing the problem were released by Debian and Red Hat.

Red Hat security update to OpenLDAP. Red Hat has issued a security update to OpenLDAP fixing an access control problem in that package.

Conectiva security update to MySQL. Conectiva has issued a security update to MySQL. It seems that they set up MySQL to do some pretty thorough logging in a world-readable manner, which could expose sensitive information to unwanted parties. This problem is specific to Conectiva.

Mandrake security update to jmcce. MandrakeSoft has issued a security update to jmcce (a Chinese text display tool) fixing a temporary file vulnerability in that program.

web scripts. The following web scripts were reported to contain vulnerabilities:

  • Chuid allows non-webserver owned PHP scripts to accept uploads regardless of the PHP "safe mode" setting.. This Bugtraq post strongly encourages upgrading to chuid 1.3 to avoid vulnerabilities that could allow a user to change the uid of files outside of the designated upload directory (even those owned by root).


Heap corruption vulnerability in at. The at command has a potentially exploitable heap corruption bug. (First LWN report:  January 17th).

This week's updates:

Previous updates: exim remotely exploitable vulnerability. It seems that, for certain exim configurations, a properly crafted mail message may cause an arbitrary command to be executed. Not good; upgrades are recommended. (First LWN report:  January 17th).

Red Hat only offers exim in the Powertools package. It is not vulnerable in the default Powertools configuration.

This week's updates:

Previous updates:

Format string vulnerability in groff. A format string problem exists in groff; apparently it could be remotely exploited when it is configured to be used with the lpd printing system. (First LWN report: August 16, 2001).

The stable release of Debian is not vulnerable.

New updates:

Previous updates:

ProFTPD remotely exploitable vulnerabilities. This is a security update with fixes for a couple of remotely exploitable vulnerabilities. (First LWN report:  January 10th).

This week's updates:

Previous updates: Remotely exploitable vulnerability in pine. Pine has an unpleasant vulnerability in URL handling vulnerability which can lead to command execution by remote attackers. (First LWN report:  January 17th).

This vulnerability is remotely exploitable; updating is a good idea.

Note: If an update isn't yet available for your distribution, setting enable-msg-view-urls to "off" in pine's setup will avoid the vulnerability. (Thanks to Greg Herlein).

This week's updates:

Previous updates: Format string bug in stunnel. Stunnel has a format string bug described in detail here. Versions prior to 3.15 are not vulnerable. LWN first reported the problem on January 3rd.

This week's updates:

Previous updates: Nasty security hole in sudo. The sudo package, used to provide limited administrator access to systems, has an unpleasant vulnerability which makes it relatively easy for a local attacker to obtain root access. If you have sudo on a system with untrusted users, you probably want to disable it until you can get a fix installed. (First LWN report:  January 17th).

This week's updates:

Previous updates: XChat session hijacking vulnerability. The XChat IRC client has a vulnerabilty that allows an attacker to take over the users IRC session. (First LWN report:  January 17th).

This week's updates:

Previous updates:


Security-Enhanced Linux update. The SELinux web site was updated with new stable (2.4) and development (2.5) SELinux prototypes. "The stable (2.4) LSM-based SELinux prototype was updated to kernel 2.4.17 and was updated to include a number of bug fixes and minor enhancements made since the previous release. A new development (2.5) LSM-based SELinux prototype based on kernel 2.5.2 was also added to the site."

William Stearns and Michal Zalewski released p0f version 1.8. "p0f is the passive OS fingerprinting utility that can identify a remote machine from just the syn packet of an incoming connection."


Upcoming Security Events.

Register for CodeCon 2002 by February 1st and get a ten dollar discount. "CodeCon is the premier event in 2002 for the P2P, cypherpunk, and network/security application developer community." CodeCon 2002 will be held at DNA lounge in San Francisco, February 15th to 17th.

Date Event Location
January 30 - February 2, 2002Second Annual Privacy and Data Protection SummitWashington D.C., USA
February 15 - 17, 2002CODECON 2002San Francisco, California, USA
February 18 - 22, 2002RSA Conference 2002San Jose, CA., USA
March 11 - 14, 2002Financial Cryptography 2002Sothhampton, Bermuda
March 18 - 21, 2002Sixth Annual Distributed Objects and Components Security Workshop(Pier 5 Hotel at the Inner Harbor)Baltimore, Maryland, USA

For additional security-related events, included training courses (which we don't list above) and events further in the future, check out Security Focus' calendar, one of the primary resources we use for building the above list. To submit an event directly to us, please send a plain-text message to [email protected].

Section Editor: Dennis Tenney

January 24, 2002

LWN Resources

Secured Distributions:
Astaro Security
Engarde Secure Linux
Kaladix Linux
NSA Security Enhanced
Openwall GNU/Linux

Security Projects
Linux Security Audit Project
Linux Security Module

Security List Archives
Bugtraq Archive
Firewall Wizards Archive
ISN Archive

Distribution-specific links
Caldera Advisories
Conectiva Updates
Debian Alerts
Kondara Advisories
Esware Alerts
LinuxPPC Security Updates
Mandrake Updates
Red Hat Errata
SuSE Announcements
Yellow Dog Errata

BSD-specific links

Security mailing lists
Linux From Scratch
Red Hat
Yellow Dog

Security Software Archives
ZedZ.net (formerly replay.com)

Miscellaneous Resources
Comp Sec News Daily
Security Focus


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