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From:	 Eridani Star System <[email protected]>
To:	 [email protected]
Subject: [Eridani-Announce] Updates to at, ucd-snmp and ethereal
Date:	 Fri, 22 Feb 2002 07:34:57 +0000 (GMT)

Recent updates in Eridani Linux 6.3:

at:	This addresses the bug found by the Common Vulnerabilities and
	Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) CAN-2002-0004, where the
	environment could be erased thus causing commands to fail or
	operate incorrectly.  Also, this fixes a heap corruption bug in
	the execution time statement. As atd is installed setuid root this
	bug is exploitable.

ucd-snmp: This update addresses issues discovered by the Oulu University
	  Secure Programming Group, where several vulnerabilities have
	  been discovered which can cause denial-of-service conditions
	  and possibly a remote security breach.  This update is not
	  susceptible to these vulnerabilities and passes all the tests
	  of the test-suite successfully. cve.mitre.org has these issues
	  logged as CAN-2002-0012 and CAN-2002-0013.

ethereal: Updated packages built against the latest ucd-snmp libraries.

These updates are located at ftp://ftp.eridani.co.uk/pub/Aeryn/ as
i386 and source RPMs. HTTP access is available at http://ftp.eridani.co.uk/

Users of Eridani Linux releases prior to 6.3 should download the source
RPMs and recompile on their platforms.

-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell
Eridani Star System				http://www.eridani.co.uk

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