why the line “yet i am by nature a boy, not a girl” lives rent free in my head


So I watched 霸王别姬/Farewell my Concubine (1993) and the scene that stuck with me the most was a young Douzi finally singing a line from the opera  Dreaming of the World Outside the Nunnery correctly. According to the subs the original line is “Yet I am by nature a girl, not a boy”. He repeatedly gets it wrong by saying “Yet I am by nature a boy, not a girl.” In my opinion. this ‘mistake’ is incredibly significant because when put in context, it shows how Dieyi and others perceive himself and most importantly, sums up his relationship with Duan Xiaolou.

cw: mentions of suicide

Also, spoilers for a 28 year old movie. 


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Guardian | Zhen Hun | 镇魂, Episode 8, translations from Viki

“Father: A person who doesn’t buy branded clothes, shoes, or perfumes and lives a simple life so that you can afford all of them.” –unknown

I’m on the found family feels train this week (then again, when am I not?  ;D), and I’ve been wanting to talk about Shen Wei and Professor Zhou for some time now…. so here we go.

Behind a cut so I don’t kill anyone’s dash, because, as always, this got kind of long… ^_^

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My favourite trope has to be:

I sacrificed myself to save you. I didn’t plan to survive. I burnt all the bridges. I intended to break your heart with my death, but that would be all right, because I wouldn’t be around to see you. I pretended that you’ll mourn me for a while and move on. I convinced myself I was going down in the blaze of glory. That my deed was appreciated. That everything was going to be all right afterwards, and I didn’t need to be there to see it.

But I survived. And now I have to look you in the eye. I have to pick up the pieces of the life I shattered and figure out how to put it back together. If it can be done at all.
