hello :)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Posts that be like “If I were a monster that had to eat people, i would just eat horrible people~” are so absurd to me. How often do you see Known Criminals on the street? Billionaires out for a nightly stroll around town? Effectively fucking never. If I have to drag myself to the grocery store, you think it’s gonna be any easier for me to hunt Bezos and Co. every time my stomach growls? I can’t bother to plan meals more than a day in advance, how am i gonna perform whole ass detective work to confirm someone’s a serial killer before i eat them? Ya’ll got that much time on your hands? Planning 5 course meals every night of the week? Don’t make me laugh. Eat a pedestrian and tragically wrestle with guilt like the rest of us, idiot.



Experienced people eater weighing in with the most galaxy brain option


finally ready to speak about this, so- hello. my name is candy. i just had to put down my childhood dog right after losing my job. needless to say i am devastated, financially and otherwise. i am short on rent, and also owe nearly a thousand dollars for just euthanasia and cremation. i really, really need some help.


please consider throwing a couple bucks my way, it would mean the world to me and would help tremendously.

thank you all so much.


Did you know that sometimes, if you try really hard, a miserable little boy desperately trying to escape from reality gets to grow up to be a lesbian living on her own with her girlfriend, watching the same anime that she did when she was a boy, but with someone who loves her this time? That the miserable little boy doesn't need to be any of those things anymore? Did you know that? Did you know that she's allowed to be happy? Or at least be a lot closer than he was?
