Building Consensus Through Collaborative Adaptive Management

The goal of the Lower Columbia Solutions Group (LCSG) is to bring together key interests to increase the beneficial use of dredge sediment at the Mouth of the Columbia River to help protect shipping channel jetties, coastal beaches and nearshore habitats from erosion while avoiding and minimizing adverse environmental, resources, and navigation safety effects.

The LCSG was formed by the Governors of Washington and Oregon in July 2002. The LCSG is a diverse, bi-state partnership of local, state and federal governmental and non-governmental stakeholders interested in and affected by dredge material disposal activities in the Lower Columbia River area. Stakeholders include crabbers, fishing interests, environmentalists, development interests, and local, state and federal government.

The LCSG is co-convened by the Washington and Oregon Coastal Zone Management Programs. The LCSG serves as the clearing house to coordinate policy, projects and research related to dredge material disposal and sediment management. The LCSG focuses on finding sustainable solutions to policy issues, research, operations and conflicts. Sustainable solutions integrate economic, social and environmental objectives.

Our concentration on sustainable dredge material disposal projects

One of LCSG’s objectives is to identify and implement sustainable dredge material disposal projects that will ultimately minimize the footprint and impact of dredge disposal sites in the Lower Columbia. The LCSG forms project teams and subcommittees to examine specific issues.

The group believes that collaborative, sustainable dredge disposal projects that can be achieved within a relatively short time frame will help build trust and better working relationships among stakeholders. The LCSG has established a Charter among Lower Columbia stakeholders from both the Oregon and Washington sides of the river.

A plan for a beneficial use future

MCR RSMP cover imageIn 2012, the members of the LCSG signed a Declaration of Cooperation to implement the collaboratively created Mouth of the Columbia River Regional Sediment Management Plan (MCRRSMP). Consolidating and building upon a decade’s worth of work, the MCRRSMP provides an adaptive management-based long-term strategy for beneficial use sediment management.

Click here to read the full MCR Regional Sediment Management Plan, Declaration of Cooperation, and associated documents.