About Liz

Name: Liz (also Lauren, but I do prefer Liz)

Gender/Pronouns: mostly female, use she/her or they/them please!

Status: friendmarried to this lovely clefairy and not dating anybody

Age: 21

Occupation: student, mainly

Aspirations: writing (fiction), writing for and/or creating video games, coding stuff, doing stuff that helps people in general, media/social criticism

Usual Location: Iowa City, IA

Hometown: Chicago, IL (…ish)

Orientation: asexual, grey-biromantic, probably poly-ish

Is: about as white american as you get

Fandoms: TOO MANY. Following my blog or looking through some recent pages should give you a general idea, but feel free to ask me at any time!

Other Contacts: also goes by lizzledpink at AO3, on twitter, by gmail, and at many many other places - when in doubt, assume lizzledpink! except for twitch, I’m bluealianne there.

Any questions?