
Another List of “Beautiful” Words

  • to include in your next poem

    1. Avidulous - somewhat greedy.
    2. Breviloquent - marked by brevity of speech.
    3. Compotation - a drinking or tippling together.
    4. Crimpy - of weather; unpleasant; raw and cold.
    5. Desiderium - an ardent desire or longing; especially, a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.
    6. Dyspathy - lack of sympathy.
    7. Ebriosity - habitual intoxication.
    8. Epitasis - the part of a play developing the main action and leading to the catastrophe.
    9. Fantod - a state of irritability and tension.
    10. Graumangere - a great meal.
    11. Grimoire - a magician’s manual for invoking demons and the spirits of the dead.
    12. Hiemal - of or relating to winter.
    13. Illaudable - deserving no praise.
    14. Impluvious - wet with rain.
    15. Innominate - having no name; unnamed; also, “anonymous”.
    16. Juberous - doubtful and hesitating.
    17. Noctilucous - shining at night.
    18. Poetaster - an inferior poet.
    19. Psychrophilic - thriving at a relatively low temperature.
    20. Quiddity - the essential nature or ultimate form of something: what makes something to be the type of thing that it is.
    21. Repullulate - to bud or sprout again.
    22. Retrogradation - a backward movement.
    23. Semiustulate - half burnt or consumed by fire.
    24. Tenebrific - causing gloom or darkness.
    25. Unparadiz’d - brought from joy to miserie.

    If any of these words make it into your next poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I’d love to read them!

    beautiful words list pt. 2

  • 1 week ago on June 16, 2024 at 10:30 am

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      to include in your next poem...Avidulous - somewhat greedy.
    &. lilac theme by seyche