LGBT awareness project!!! (Posts tagged survey)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’m making V.2 of the survey

Hello! You heard that right! I am currently in the process of making V.2 of the survey. As I’m working on this I want to take into consideration your opinions on it, and make it as complete, thorough, and understandable as I can. I have made a small form that you can fill out for suggestions, comments, and concerns about the survey, please fill it out and share it! Thanks :D

Ps. If you need to look at the original survey it is in the pinned post! Don’t submit it again if you already have, please.


project unknowing lgbt lgbtq lgbtqia lgbtqia+ queer survey lgbt survey survey suggestions form google forms

Working on survey results from March 31st-June 30th! Keep your eyes out, something should be out by Wednesday!

Side note- if you responded “maybe” prior to the additional section for clarification, please feel free to DM me or send an ask! (Please include some way for me to tell which response is yours)

Thanks! I’ll keep you all updated.


project unknowing lgbt lgbtq lgbtqia lgbtqia+ queer survey lgbt+ survey survey results

Hello everyone!

As some of you are aware, I am working on a history project for this upcoming pride month. It is going to be separated by continent and cover as far back as I can manage.

This is going to be a lot to research and learn about by myself, so I’ve created survey for you to share what you know or want to know, and also resources you might have. Thanks!

project unknowing lgbt lgbtq lgbtqia lgbtqia+ queer queer history lgbt history history research survey pride month
project unknowing survey polls