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Mort's Art Blog
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Mort's Art Blog


Welcome to Mort’s art blog!  💀

A place where fantasy meets horrors and history (and sometimes comedy).

  • Use hashtags to navigate yourself! I’m aware not many of you share all the tastes I have! ♥ 
  • How to support me? Like, Reblog, Comment
  • I also have 💀PATREON💀 and Ko-fi and even a small tips help me a lot!
  • I have a STORE! 🦴 Most of my artworks are available as prints/postcards/posters or merchandise!
  • Wanna share my art? I’m all over social media, you’ll always find me as @lesoldatmort so take the time to find the source post and tag me! In case you are still lost, here is my carrd with all the links!
  • I have an ancient sideblog @grenadierfifer​ - all my cosplays and reblogs of interests go there!

Otherwise enjoy browsing and please do not repost/edit/use my art!

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My latest additions tomy Hell Employees bestiary… Eniska the KIttyrat Secretary (who hates being disturbed when reading) and The Mesengers (don’t step on them pls)!

| Eniska |

The “kittyrats” are small kind of demons. There is plenty of them around Hell and they are doing the one job they were created for (or sentenced to…). Some enjoy it, some hate it, most just don’t question it and carry on with their duties.

| The Messengers |

These little critters take various forms and shapes, depending on the environment they travel through the most and which part of Hell they are assigned to.

So which one are you taking home? Flying, ground or dungeon noodle?

More lore, info and WIPs of this project on my P🔺treon!

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| windmill ruins |

They keep travelling, bumping into ship ruins, I guess Vash is trying to show Wolfwood something? Well, good for him… unless:


…good job, Vash!

💀 PATREON | X | IG | Prints&merch

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hi! I saw your wonderful valenwind art and was interested in joining the discord! would you mind sharing the link again as the old one expired? if not that’s fine, or I can dm if you just want to keep it private. thank you!

Asked by Anonymous


Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Here is the invite link, I’ll fix it under the artwork as well ♥

Thank you for letting me know <: (and the compliment!)

Reblogging this for all valenwind ppl who happen to stumble on my artblog! (just mind the discord of 18+ for it’s dark/horror/nsfw themes and chats)

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Two cosplayers of Vash and Wolfwood standing back to back in a dramatic pose. Wolfwood is holding a wrapped punisher on the shoulder, Vash has his gun pointed up. They're both looking into the camera.ALT

guys i got to see this amazing cosplay by @lesoldatmort and @artofalassa and now i’m making everyone else look at it

literally exploding

i love them

Keep reading


Roleplay is always 65% of my cosplay so if WW is suffering, I must do too. (okay actually i am wearing white ballerina socks in those shoes but they mostly roll down to my toes during first hour of the con so..¯_(ツ)_/¯ eh yeah)

Anyway, thanks for the hype over us, it makes me feel all fuzzy inside :‘3c Both me and Las love to make ppl happy with our shenanigans! ♥

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>>>> HERE! <<<<


Me and @artofalassa are tabling on AnimeFest in Brno this weekend!

I thought I’ll post some of the newer stuff which will be debuting there in case some of my followers attend the convention aswell! Prints, posters and postcards will be available too.

Looking forward to it! Come say hi (look for a tired vampire or a huge cross haha) ♥

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It’s our pleasure to welcome @lesoldatmort as our next guest for Tenebris ad Astra!

on a blue nebula background, white text reads "Guest Artist LeSoldatMort. twitter, tumblr, IG: @lesoldatmort." A text block below this reads "We're thrilled to welcome LeSoldatMort to the anthology as a guest artist! Mort's incredible sense of color and composition brings Vincent and Cid to life in every piece, from quiet snapshots to dynamic comics and everything in-between." A thumbnail image shows Cid Highwind shoveling snow off the upper surface of a biplane's wing on a winter day; Vincent, his cape billowing behind him, floats nearby with tea.ALT

With influences ranging from ukiyo-e to cinematic matte painting, each of Mort’s works is a treasure full of wonderful details. We can’t wait to see his contribution to the project!

You can find Mort and his art on twitter, here on tumblr, and on Instagram.


We’ve still got a few more guest announcements in the queue - you won’t want to miss them, so stay tuned!

In the meantime: are you a writer or artist who’s been inspired by Cid and Vincent? We’d love to hear from you!

Whether you’re a longtime fan of these two, or fresh off all their interactions in FF7 Rebirth, all valenwind enjoyers are welcome to apply to join Tenebris ad Astra! Visit our carrd for all the details and the application form. We can’t wait to hear from you!

You have no idea how grateful I am for this zine! Thank you so much for having me ♥ I can’t wait to start creating aaaaahh

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“He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. (…) He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts and Great Tempestuous Storms. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits.”

Entry to my Hell Employees project which, of course, includes the Hell’s canon nobility aswel! More info and lore on my Ptreon.

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Hear the begging voice,
what is it asking f
Is it the gold you desired and couldn’t ignore?
Now blinded by its shine,
you still desir

| Darkavan the Humble |

As an Hell Employee, Darkavan is quite long in the service. Their task is to collect tithes for the church of Hell. Of course, such goal is hard to fullfill with a bowl with a hole in it… But, keep trying sinners! Off you go collect more coins, since you loved them so much in your miserable lives!

More lore, info and WIPs of this project on my P🔺treon!

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