

POV you ate shit during the family drama hour and your adopted peepaw needed your dogs help finding the Temple


I’ve been thinking about pre!avernus Karlach at work today…




My love… you were dead. I saw your body… I’m here. A-and so are you.

(Source: tumblr.com, via winter2468)

“I like the W.A.S. scale for rating anime. It stands for Weeb Ass Shit, and you rate each of those things on a 10 point scale.
So like, a series that requires extensive knowledge of japanese culture, or one that relies...



I like the W.A.S. scale for rating anime. It stands for Weeb Ass Shit, and you rate each of those things on a 10 point scale.

So like, a series that requires extensive knowledge of japanese culture, or one that relies on the audience already being very familiar with the media tropes that it’s parodying, would have a high Weeb score while one that any 10-year old american would totally understand would have a low Weeb score.

The Ass column is for how much gratuitous nudity or attempts at titilation there is, with pure and innocent things like most ghibli films getting really low numbers, things like Bakemonogatari or Kill la Kill ending up in the middle of the scale, and borderline hentai at the top.

And finally, the Shit column covers things that are just fucking stupid, or poorly implemented. Low numbers indicate a series that is extremely well written and has a lot of good ideas, higher values come from plot holes, idiot plots, authors shoehorning in some incredibly nonsensical philosophy, etc.

Some people don’t mind the weeb nonsense at all, so they only have to look at the other two categories. Some people have very little tolerance for ass, even in a series that is otherwise of high quality. Some people decide based on a combined score, like they can tolerate more ass if the shit level is really low or vice versa but refuse to deal with both at the same time.

I literally was looking for someone in the notes to mention the Weeb Ass Shit scale, bless you for explaining! Also I feel like even if the person you’re recommending things to is unfamiliar with this scale, it’s a helpful tool to help you break down and analyze different elements of the show.

(via kiaxet)






Bought my uncle a burger and milkshake in exchange for letting me disrupt the holiest day of the week, NFL Sunday Football, so I could install a Pi-hole and free the household of ads…the thing abt the specific boomers I live with is they told me not to trust people on the Internet but they do not understand the algorithm or online advertising and think that Facebook has their best interests at heart. And every time I have tried to explain to them that no, blorbo from my dashboard is not selling my kidneys on the dark web but Google from your capitalism is definitely selling your web searches to every advertising company on the planet, they think I am paranoid. How could their personal friend Mark Zuckerberg want anything bad to happen to them etc. I am fighting battles I did not know existed!!!

Update I have had Pi-Hole successfully installed for two (2) hours and have since learned that 40% of the web traffic in this household went to advertisements. FORTY FUCKING PERCENT. We live in hell. This is the greatest gift I have ever given my family that they will not understand or acknowledge or feel any gratitude for.

Update #2: it was rising all night but the number it finally settled on was…60%. 60% of the web traffic in this household went to advertisements. I can’t tell if this high number is bc I live in Silicon Valley and probably am subject to the Algorithmic Internet in ways people outside of Silicon Valley are not or it is normal to have 2/3rds of your web traffic be ads, but it did make me set up a recurring donation of the EFF lmfao.

Okay I have had multiple people ask, so here are the useful websites that me and Beryl used to muddle our way through:

Using Pi-hole and Raspberry Pi (on the Raspberry Pi website, really good overview of what Pi-hole does)

Tumblr-archived Twitter thread about one household’s experience with Pi-hole (this is what sold me on it. Also the tweets were published in 2022 and Pi-hole is actively being developed, so I think some of the teething problems he mentioned might have cleared up or are at least being addressed.)

Pi-hole website (gives broad strokes of the software and imho is not actually that helpful, however this proves that I am not making shit up)

Pi-hole documentation (read prerequisites carefully, you do NOT need the newest model of Raspberry Pi to run this thing!! You don’t even need a Raspberry Pi at all, you can run it on a bunch of Linux systems however I’m very stupid when it comes to Linux and when my options are install and learn a whole ass new OS or spend $$ on a Raspberry Pi and hook it up to my TV with a wired mouse and keyboard I will unfortunately be spending money)

Privacy International’s guide to setting up Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi (bro this one saved our asses)

You guys can ask me questions if you want but I guarantee I will not know the answers bc I don’t know shit about fuck, I just followed the directions and reaped the rewards. It did take us 2 hours to set up bc I’m bad at following directions (and it’s kind of complicated if you’ve been out of the software game for a while like I have), and you do have to be sososo brave about fucking around with your internet provider’s configuration. So make sure you eat before you do it!! However it has been so worth it for me so far, given that now all my devices at home are running faster and I’m not seeing any ads while web browsing. We will see what complaints my family comes up with, but I love it so far.

Also!! if you’ve never heard of Raspberry Pi, which I realize are not all of my followers are lost in the Silicon Valley sauce so you might not have, here’s is their website and their page for using Raspberry Pi at home.

(And here is the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that fights for digital privacy, free speech, and innovation, if you, like me, were presented with cold hard data about your personal internet usage and suddenly realized that our internet is fully a dystopia. haha.)

After a few months with pi-hole, I recently switched to AdGuard Home. It was recommended/is co-promoted in a pi-hole discord server, and it seems to be blocking a bit more successfully/consistently for me than the pi-hole did.

I also use Blokada on my phone when I’m not home and have the Windscribe browser extension which includes 10GB of free VPN traffic and has uBlock integrated into it. (AdGuard does technically make things that do this but I like those better; ymmv).

It all takes some setup and tinkering, but I highly, highly recommend taking steps to clear out some of the internet garbage and protect your info.

(via beatrice-otter)


the pretend plot of bg3: you’ve gotta get these tadpoles out and stop a giant floating brain with delusions of grandeur

the real plot of bg3: in order to date us (the party) you must defeat our seven evil exes: a half-demon warlock patron, the literal goddess of magic, a vampiric lord, an insane cult leader , an archdemon, the goddess of darkness, and finally, the Trauma