Name’s Sebastian. 26. Writer, streamer, and dumbest vampire this side of the Mississippi. Nice to meet ya. 18+ only please. Icon by terrafey Twitch Discord

Hey fellas,


I’m known on the internet as Lake “Sebastian” Mojave, and I’ve been doing game criticism for two years, writing for three years, and streaming for four. I’m focused on genres from a variety of eras, but mostly neo-westerns, horror, indie games and story RPGS. I like cowboys, vampires, and basically every kind of movie ever. I have a twitch channel, and I’m writing a book series!

Twitch: I stream here every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6pm Pacific time.

Discord: Join for stream announcements, content updates, and a whole lotta silliness.

Youtube: Subscribe for my video essay series on games and game history, called The Complete History. Subscribe here for twitch VODs.

TikTok: I post stream clips here.

Land of Falling Sun: My WIP novel, a dark fantasy western set in a reimagined liminal wild west space.

Patreon: If you wanna support me on the side I post other ramblings here sometimes.

Ansem: The Seeker of Darkness

See y'all around!


I love that Starbucks’ Dragon Drink without the fruit pieces just looks like an ice cold glass of cum


Thanks for calling it that too btw make me feel like I’m drinking this dragon if you know what i’m sayin



Hey y'all I need some help


I’m a bisexual nonbinary transfem streamer and freelance writer living in a very expensive part of California. My day job is closing its doors for a while so I’ll be out of work for a whole week, and I’m already on a rough paycheck to paycheck situation. My work hours have been gradually reduced lately and my twitch/patreon payouts have been steadily declining since the start of 2024. If you like my posts, watch my streams, read my stuff, or just like seeing me look cute online where you can see it, please consider supporting me.

My Patreon is pay what you want and gives you sneak peeks at my games writing and the second draft of my novel.

Subscribe or donate to my Twitch channel to watch my streams ad free and help me get closer to getting approved for twitch partnership.

You can DM me for my venmo instead if you like

Thanks y'all, every bit helps right now <3

Hey guys! I’m back to work but my hours are still half of what they were before and the renovations in my store have had a net negative impact. Conditions are worse and I’m exhausted much of the time, any help and support is appreciated.

You can also donate directly to my streamlabs here if you like

Thanks for the help this month everyone, however my rent is increasing next month and I’m still struggling to manage my expenses. Please keep sharing this around and helping if you can, my goal is to make Twitch Plus in a few months so I can rely more on my stream income while my work hours are so chaotic.



hi did you know that ancient mesopotamians buried their dead under the floors of their own houses to always be close to them? i can’t write a poem about this but by god i will write a master’s thesis

hey, remember this? i just successfully defended this master’s thesis and i’m now officially an archaeologist