Drarry Potfoy — Draco Malfoy:

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Draco Malfoy:

- Last picture on Instagram: (7:55am this morning) Harry, dressed in nothing but low rise sweatpants, standing in their kitchen cuddling their grumpy, fluffy white Persian cat, smiling into its fur. Caption: “Look at how disgustingly adorable both my cuties are, look at them.. 😎 ” followed by half a million hashtags including ‘#Bae, #KittyLove, #SaintPotter and #LookAtHisHipBones.

- Last Snapchat sent to Harry: (6:35pm this evening) Double-picture snap 1) Picture of a rack of lacy red bras. Caption: “Pansy forced me to go lingerie shopping with her FML”. 2) Himself in a changing room wearing the shirt he wore to work that morning, the satin tie and a lacy green thong, his back turned to display his arse, looking over his shoulder at the mirror. Caption: “I don’t hate how this looks. Thoughts?” [Harry screenshots it.]

- Last Snapchat received from Harry: (6:40pm this evening) An undecipherable, blurred image with just a part of Harry’s shoe visible. Caption: “MOTHER OF MERLIN, I JUST RAN OUT OF A MEETING TO GO HIDE MY BONER, YOU TOSSER.” followed by an IM on the chat window - “Buy that fucking thong, Draco, buy it right now.”

- Last link shared on Facebook: (4:18pm this evening) Ten Gorgeous Destinations to Consider For Your Next Holiday. Caption: “Harry Potter, pick a date, we’re going to Hawaii.”


Harry - Just say when, baby.

Draco - What the fuck have I told you about calling me that in public?

Harry - I dunno, call you that more often?

Draco - Please go away.

Harry - But I love you!

Draco - I will unfriend you. And block you.

Pansy - Would you two get a room?

Harry - We have a whole flat, Parkinson.

Narcissa - Draco are you in Hawaii

Draco: No, Mother, I’m very much still in London.

Narcissa: Ok wear sunblock even under your swimwear or you will burn


Ron: This is officially the best thing ever.

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