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Just someone who used to draw a thing.


Blendermarket is having a 10 year anniversary event and they’re giving away blender tools for free every day for ten days.

Sadly if you didn’t know this was going on, you missed them giving away retopoflow 3 yesterday, but there’s 9 more days of free stuff! If you have an itch for blender and have never picked it up, you might want to consider making an account just to claim stuff you can use eventually.

Great stuff here!

@devilmaysigh pointed out that retopoflow is free on CGCookie’s GitHub Page!



Since falling on my shoulder in march while working and had surgery on it in May, I’ve been struggling financially, especially this week when I only got less than half my paycheck because I didn’t have anymore sick or annual to use. This basically meant I haven’t been able to pay most of my bills, including the house payment. And considering I have missed 3 weeks of work, there’s a good chance my next check might end up being the same or less.
So even tho i shouldn’t be drawing because of my shoulder, i don’t have much choice but to draw.


Some AI art generators have gotten so good you can’t be certain the images aren’t made by robots.

Google’s AI, however, is the first AI generator that’s so laughably bad that I can’t be certain the screenshots I see aren’t made by people.





i feel like the knowledge that there are some medical databases with free-to-use 3D scans of various human organs available for 3D printing would have drastically reduced tumblrs amount of bone stealing scandals. plus you can make ones that glow in the dark.


look at my glow in the dark humerus boy

hey. if anyone wants em:

NIH 3D Library (Free)

Embodi3D (Free and Paid)

MorphoSource (Free, database of fossils)

Scans can also be found by searching on general-purpose 3D sites like Thingiverse, Cults3D, MakerWorld, Sketchfab

The glow in the dark filament I used

If you don’t have a 3D printer, check the website of your local library to see if they do! If you’re in college, your university’s libraries could have one too! They’ll likely have info on how to submit a print to their services and how/where you could find them.

@stealingyourbones I found your calling






My partner and I cancelled our Adobe accounts today because of this. Imagine if makers of physical art media had the right to pilfer your sketchbooks because you used their pencils and paints. That’s basically what Adobe is trying to foist on everyone.


Adding tags from @plebeian2logist because this absolutely NEEDS to be spread, knowing what Adobe is doing is vital but just as much so is knowing what to do about it:

Cancel your Creative Cloud subscription as soon as you’re able to. If you encounter any difficulty canceling it, document it (screenshot, screen record, whatever is necessary) and file a complaint with the FTC for unfair business practices.

This is so transparently about stealing customer data to use in AI training datasets, hoping people will click accept and it will go unnoticed. We need to not just tell Adobe what we think about this - unless we want more and more companies thinking they can get away with doing the same, we need to stop them in their tracks.

(via redbuddi)




Gee, Tumblr would probably really hate it if you shared and spread this damning article … To the surprise of absolutely none of Tumblr’s LGBTQ users, it turns out the independent NYC human rights agency Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) found that Tumblr’s ham-fisted adult content ban in December 2018 disproportionately targeted LGBTQ users. The CCHR’s investigation revealed Tumbler’s moderation algorithms is demonstrably biased against queer content. As part of the settlement, Tumblr was obligated to review their prejudicial anti-gay moderation policies. Even more mortifyingly, they’ve also had to hire an expert on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) issues and provide unconscious bias training to their moderators. I frankly doubt Tumblr has learned a thing from this humbling experience. Just recently the Tumblr algorithm flagged three ancient posts of mine as violating their terms. All three “offenders” were vintage homoerotic beefcake images (softcore by modern standards) roughly 50 – 65-years-old by Bruce of Los Angeles, Bob Mizer and Tom of Finland. (These are of course pioneering queer artists who routinely faced censorship and imprisonment in the fifties and sixties. Plus ca change!). They’ve been visible on my page - corrupting viewers -  for years at this point. I appealed all three immediately. Only the Tom of Finland one was approved. The other two are now hidden. So, they haven’t learned much. Apparently, Tumblr – who loves to declare how hip, youthful, inclusive and progressive their values are - wants to restore trust with their queer users. I’d recommend we remember their hypocrisy when Pride rolls around and Tumblr splashes rainbow flags everywhere and attempts to pink wash their image.

In honour of Pride Month, this is worth a reblog! Don’t buy into Tumblr’s hypocritical “pink washing.” 

(via qwilman)

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