



I know folks have been sharing this link on other posts, but &udm=14 works well:


You can add it as an extension to Firefox now:





Someone hurry up and get directX working 100% on Linux.

Some good news. 1, it’s being slow rolled out at the moment. 2, it’s reportedly really easy to turn off.







There was a website called StumbleUpon. You clicked a button and you'd get redirected to some random website on the Internet ran by some random person about some random thing or community.  — SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) July 8, 2023ALT

I can’t stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon once sent me to a supercut of Lion King, Lion King 1 ½, and Lion King II, the main edit being that the scenes of Lion King and Lion King 1 ½ were interspersed so that they happened in the order they actually happened.

stumbleupon not existing anymore can be directly traced to a dramatic decline in my mental health, I could do a thesis on it.

bestie stumbleupon very much still exists its just called cloudhiker now. i use it all the time.

mini compilation of suggestions from the replies:

The Bored Button - “Press the Bored Button and be bored no more.”

The Useless Web

Cloudhiker - “Discover the most interesting, weird and awesome websites of the Internet” (not really a rebrand, it’s a different person running it but they have the same intention in mind) - “These videos come from YouTube. They were uploaded in the last week and have titles like DSC 1234 and IMG 4321. They have almost zero previous views. They are unnamed, unedited, and unseen (by anyone but you).”

Marginalia - “This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren’t aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed.”


I’m not sure why crispy chickpeas aren’t everywhere as like a top ADHD snack because they are:

  • Delicious (so you will actually seek them out/want to eat them)
  • Crispy (a good stim for texture people)
  • Easy to make (super hands off, they just roast for like 30 minutes while you do something else)
  • Healthy (it’s literally just beans! Such protein!)
  • Versatile (you can switch up the seasonings if you get tired of one flavor; you can also put them on/in a bunch of different dishes)
  • Cheap AF & forgiving of your timeline (a can of chickpeas won’t go bad in your pantry if you don’t have the energy to make something with them this week)

So here’s the resippy.

  • Cooked chickpeas (I usually use one can)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Paprika or curry powder or rosemary or your favorite spice (optional)


  1. Drain and rinse your chickpeas.
  2. Dump them onto a towel or paper towel and rub them dry a bit.
  3. Remove any loose skins. If you’re feeling extra you can remove all the skins; this makes them slightly crispier. I do not find this to be worth it.
  4. Put them on a baking sheet (lined with parchment paper if you want to save yourself some cleanup). Toss with a drizzle of olive oil, a generous pinch or two of salt, and your seasoning.
  5. Roast in your oven. I usually do 400°F for about 25-30 minutes, but this is pretty forgiving and you can do 425 for 20 minutes or whatever you want to do
  6. Taste a chickpea. It should have an audible crunch. If it doesn’t, put it back in until it does
  7. When done, taste for seasoning and add any additional salt or seasoning you want. Proceed to devour them.

These are best fresh, but I still like them later on (if I don’t eat them all right away). Store in an airtight container for a couple days at room temp or a few days in the fridge.




idk i think learning basic dogwhistles is more effective than any callout bc 99% of the time ppl dont even try to hide it and imao you should not need people to point out to you that a user named smth like wombynation is a radical transmisogynist or that valhalla8148 is a nazi like

It’s far from a complete list, but the alt-right terminology page on rationalwiki is a decent place to start if anyone is like totally clueless about this stuff (though, content warning, they do show examples of racist memes throughout the list, as well as the use of slurs and other things)


STOP USING ‘DEGENERATE’ AS AN INSULT. you are talking nazispeak.





I wish Americans fucked with more foreign music. You don’t have to know the language to appreciate a good record. Folks in other countries listen to our music and don’t speak a lick of english. Music needs no translator

yall wont trick me into listening to kpop

You can try - The Musical Time Machine!!

choose a country, pick a decade, and GO!!

you’ll get an endless streaming of songs (ad free!).


I personally found myself loving 1970s Ghana, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire! Also 1920s and 1970s Japan for sure! Cambodian music: spectacular. Love Armenia and Mali as well. I’ve been told 70s Germany is weird and 30s Algeria is cool but I haven’t gotten around to those yet. Italy’s 1960s is bomb ofc but I’m biased ;)

This is the best website anyone has ever shared.






There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without plagiarizing! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 

Please add on if you know any more resources for free images <3

recently found out about openverse which i think aggregates a bunch of creative commons images from flickr, wikimedia, nasa etc… pretty handy

I’m shocked so many people don’t know about my go to – Morgue File.

It’s full of searchable, rights free images uploaded by photographers.




i think that, if youre usamerican and any time someone calls out your lack of knowledge on global geography you start talking about how bad the usa education is and how its actually not your fault that you dont know what continent nigeria is on because you cant look at the google maps bc donald trump will personally shoot you, youre very annoying

literally nobody is asking you to point them all on a blank map or know their capitals or count at least 3 major cities but there was someone in the notes who thought egypt was in eastern europe and someone who thought canada was on a separate continent from the usa. knowing sort-of where myanmar or bosnia or montenegro or somalia or laos are is literally the basic minimum and you cant even do that. if you think your knowledge of the georaphy is lacking instead of telling everyone on this site about how “they just didnt teach me that in school!” you can literally open the wikipedia list of countries and look at them. there are blank maps of continents online which you can use to practice. you can google “learn all the countries ever” and youll find a free flash game or some shit. “they didnt teach me that in school” jesus fucking christ

some fun games to build up your knowledge:

  • Seterra quizzes - lots of ‘click where on the map [place] is’ games
  • Worldle - guess a country by the shape of its outline, with the distance/direction if you get it wrong. You can also guess capital, neighbours, population, flag, currencies, major cities, and size
  • Globle - enter the name of a country and get a warmer-cooler colour for how close the target country is
  • Globle capitals - similar, but with capital cities
  • Flaggle - a flag divided into sixths, and each guess reveals another portion along with distance/direction as a hint
  • Wheretaken - guess which country a photo comes from, then guess the capital, capital’s location, a landmark, the landmark’s name, and which city another photo comes from (this one can be tricky: pictures come from wikimedia commons so sometimes it’s like… a gutter)
  • Geoguessr - drops you somewhere in the world on google street view and you can navigate around trying to to guess what street in the world your drop point was

I started playing these daily a couple of years ago, and now I can point to almost any country on a map (South Pacific is still a little tricky). Along with trivia like flags and capitals, I’ve picked up a lot about different places’ architecture, languages, and foliage. Often when you play these you’ll become curious: why does a Spanish-speaking country have a French-sounding capital? Why is there a really long edge on that border? What does the bird on that flag represent? Where is that beautiful temple in the picture?

You might feel stupid at first, but it’s really exciting to realise you’re improving.






normalise being bad at roofs in minecraft. normalise not being able to make an aesthetically pleasing roof to save your life in minecraft.

Normalize just digging into the side of a mountain to avoid making roofs in Minecraft

yall need me to tap the sign?

here’s a roof guide that i use because i used to be shit


i dont remember the source, b/c ive had this for like years, but i suggest messing around with these roofs with different shapes/sizes of buildings

in fact, you can mix and match and have one roof with a side room with a different roof on it

honestly, have fun

I’ve had these saved for a long time and unfortunately don’t know the source either, but here are the other tutorials from this artist if anybody is interested!


Oh! These are super cool!