Faculty News

In May, Professor Damian Radcliffe led a group of journalism students on a tour of 16 New York City newsrooms, media outlets, and tech companies. Here are his insights on the biggest issues facing media.
Designed for advertising majors but open to everyone, the class aims to develop inquisitiveness. Taught by award-winning professor David Koranda, the class has been replicated all over the country.
SOJC Assistant Professor Whitney Phillips tells Columbia Journalism Review that many Trump supporters believe “disinformation” is code for conservative censorship.
A Vox article about the influence of TikTok on political polarization cites an SOJC faculty study showing users’ ideology shifted after using the app, and most said it changed “a great deal.”
Want to work in sports PR? SOJC expert offers insights on how to break into sports communication and land the perfect job.
Digital challenge games like Wordle or Sudoku may help restore psychological well-being, according to a study led by Ph.D. student Waseq Rahman and co-authored by Assistant Professor Maxwell Foxman.
Brent Walth, an SOJC professor and longtime investigative reporter, is interviewed on the podcast "Think Out Loud" about the sale of 15 Oregon newspapers.
A SOJC contingent of students and faculty attended World Press Freedom Day in Santiago, Chile, where student reporters produced blogs, podcasts and photography for the UO-UNESCO Crossings website.
Mitchell Block, SOJC professor of documentary and film studies who was behind such powerful Oscar-recognized films as Poster Girl, No Lies, The Testimony, and Big Mama, has died at 73.
Find out why the SOJC's Strategic Communication Master's program in Portland is a good fit for mid-career professionals and how it leads to better jobs and higher salaries for graduates.