
002: The Strong Will Prevail

“Sooner or later the weak will die out and the strong will survive, and that’s how it’ll always be.”

Genre: Dystopian, Futuristic, Cyberpunk
Rating: M
Warnings: text glitch at the end. references to death (no main character)
Masterlist𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 | 𝘤𝘩. 1 | 𝘤𝘩. 2 (current)

— Current Year: 2075 —

Kwon Soonyoung is a lot of things.

He is considered the chief in his local police station. He is a cat-lover, owning a little tabby-cat that he found in the rain during a Saturday afternoon. He is also a dancer with the nickname Hoshi and indulges in his favorite hobby every Friday night. Above all, Soonyoung is a well-respected citizen.

In fact, Soonyoung is a cyborg.

— Flashback: 2071 —

When Soonyoung graduated high school, he immediately joins the marines for 2 years. His father did it, his mother did it, and his ancestors joined too. It was tradition, and he was not going to be like his brother and disappoint his family by not joining.

During his training period, he meets another like-minded individual, who goes by the name Jihoon.




But Jihoon was different from his peers. He realized this 1 month in.

“Jihoon!~ Where are you going?” Soonyoung called out, sporting his signature eye-smile towards his friend.

Jihoon quickly turned, with a full plate of food in his hand, “Soonyoung! I’m not doing anything special, I’ve just been training extra hard, so I get a little more hungry…”

Soonyoung smiled widely, “Ah, as expected of our Jihoonie! Well, the other guys and I are going to play some volleyball later, did you want to join?”

“Ah, sounds fun, but…not this time Soonyoung…thank you though,” and with that, Jihoon turned around and quickly walked towards the back exit.

As he stared at Jihoon’s retreating form, Soonyoung’s shoulders tensed up as Wonwoo slumped an arm around his shoulders.

“Hey…isn’t that weird? He’s been ‘practicing more’ but why does he still suck at sparring? Seems like he’s distracted with something…at this rate I’ll be surprised if he graduates,” Wonwoo sneered.

“Fuck off Wonwoo,” Soonyoung bit back. “Jihoon…he’s not like that. He wouldn’t do anything behind their backs.”

Wonwoo smirked and turned around, raising his arms in defeat, “Don’t say I didn’t told you so!”

For the first time Soonyoung didn’t believe his own words.


Jihoon was panting, turning around often to see if anyone followed him. He replayed the steps in his mind. Make a straightaway from the back exit, turn left when you reach the yard, and make a right into the forest. That’s where he’ll be waiting.

When Jihoon was exiting the yard towards the forest near their training grounds, he hears a group approaching him. When he turns, he sees Soonyoung for a split second before booking it into the forest.

He’s moving by muscle memory at this point, and didn’t know when to slow down until he crashes into something.


Jihoon snapped from his daze. He looked up to find a young man no older than he was looking at him with concern laced over his features.

“Hey, Jihoon, are you okay? Were you followed?” this time, the man’s voice was more urgent, more afraid.

“No, fuck, no I…thought someone saw me so I wanted to come here as soon as possible, I’m sorry to worry you Cheol,” Jihoon responded quietly.

The man affectionately named Cheol, smiled and took his hand to lift Jihoon’s face, “Don’t worry so much, you’re okay…we’re okay,” his eyes shifted to the plate in his hands, “what’s that?”

Jihoon’s expression brightened, “Oh! I…” he realized the food he carried had branches and leaves in it when he was running, “I brought you food, but you don’t need to eat it…I kind of ruined it.”

Cheol let out a small laugh, “You know, I can live without eating, but it looks really good, so I’ll try it! Thank you, Jihoon.”

On the first bite, Cheol’s eyes widened slightly, “this is good! I-I’ve never had anything like it.”

“Really? I’m glad!! Uh Cheol, is this, your, first meal?”

Cheol smiled sadly, “It’s fine, like I said, I don’t need to eat to survive, but eating this…with you…I think I feel…happy?”

Jihoon returned the smile. And the two fell in silence for the remainder of Cheol’s meal.

Afterwards, Cheol grabbed onto Jihoon’s sleeve, almost as if he knew Jihoon had to leave soon. “Can…you stay for a while longer?”

“Cheol, I’m not sure that’s a good idea, if they find me, they’ll find you too.”

“When I’m alone the memories come back.”

“Memories of what?”

“Give me your hand,” Cheol whispers.

Cheol stared at Jihoon in silence, and held out his hand. He closed his eyes and a small projection emerges from his fingertips.

Jihoon feels a strange warmth from Cheol. And he sees the images, and from Cheol’s hands he feels the fear, the devastation, and the constant uneasiness.



A group of doctors wearing plague masks hover around bodies, mumbling incoherent words and jotting things down on a tablet.

“Useless…they won’t turn on, sir”

“Ma’am, I have 3 working bodies, but they are all emotionless. I have since powered them off and dismembered them for repurposing.”

Why are there screams in the distance?

“At this rate, we won’t meet our quota to the o̸̬̝̟͎͆͆m̷̩̬̣̗͗̈́͜v̴̧̾́́̈̊t̷̤͝ͅr̷̫̖͕̄͜g̶͓̅͒͛̂n̸̢̺͍̐n̷͉̩̤͚͐̈̑e̷̯̦̐͌̿̂̅ȩ̴̲̣̠̏”

The projection glitches.

There’s flames everywhere. So many people are screaming. Androids that were built stronger were trying to get young children and women Androids to safety. Most were burning.

A voice from above: “This lot was entirely…useless. You ruined our plans…We’ve enhanced your pain receptors. You’ll die here…Is there a Hell for Androids? …Or do you die into nothingness? Your life was given because we gave it to you…I guess it’s fitting that we can also take it away.”

The projection glitches more often.

A young Android is shown on the screen. Disoriented. Coughing from the smoke.

Cheol’s voice is distinct. “Hey? Jeonghan? You need to hurry up.”

The Android looks at him puzzled. Cheol injects something into him.

“You need to run away.”

The projection cuts off.



Jihoon touches his face. He’s crying. Why is he crying?

Someone gasps from behind them. Then a set of footsteps is heard running in the opposite direction

Both boys turn their heads in alarm as Jihoon lets go of Cheol.

“Fuck, Cheol, I-I need to go, I’m sorry,” Jihoon states, making his way back.

Jihoon left.

Two people remained in the forest.


Jihoon ran back to base, but saw no one on his way back. He ran into his shared room with Soonyoung.

He sees him, eyes unfocused and staring beyond him. His shirt had branches stuck to him.

“H-Hey Soonyoung, were…you the one in the forest?”

Soonyoung remains silent.

“Don’t you see what they do Soonyoung? It’s so fucking shitty. Fuck, I…can’t believe this,” Jihoon whispered harshly to the ground, eyes brim with unshed tears.

He was afraid.

“I’m not sure…that I trust what you’re saying, Jihoon.”

“What? Do you think I’m bullshitting you, Soonyoung? What would I gain?! Do you think I’d really give up 1 and ½ years of training?”

Soonyoung stayed silent.

Jihoon glared at Soonyoung, piercing him with his sharp gaze. He took a deep breath, calming himself down, “You saw it right? You saw that projection?”

“I’m not sure that I trust what you’re saying Jihoon.”

Soonyoung gets up. Takes off his boots. Turns off the light.

“Goodnight Jihoon. Don’t do anything stupid.”


Jihoon stops seeing Cheol for 1 week. Then 1 week turns into 1 month. Soonyoung stops talking to Jihoon, and Jihoon’s left to wonder about Cheol. Jihoon’s alone, and all he can think about are those memories he seemed to instill in him.

Before it can reach 2 months, Jihoon goes to see Cheol again.

Jihoon walks on the same path, he sees the familiar clearing. He sees Cheol, and with the meal in his hand, he reaches out to call to him—

A gun is placed to his head.

“Don’t move.”

Jihoon turns slightly, “Wonwoo, put down your gun.”

“You’re frolicking with an enemy of the country, do you know that? Or do you not care?”

Jihoon bit his tongue, “I didn’t know”

“Bullshit, then why are you hiding him?”

Jihoon turned sharply, and the gun’s barrel is touching his forehead, “I said I fucking don’t know, do you not understand? Or are you stupid?”

Before Wonwoo could fire, Cheol tackles him, and the shot is released to the ground. He holds Wonwoo down for a moment.

Cheol turns to Jihoon, “I left something for you. It’s further down. Grab it and run.”

Jihoon shook his head. He won’t leave without him.

“Jihoon - listen to me, you’ll die if they find you. Humans…like you…you want to live right?” Cheol’s voice is shaky.

The shot alerts the trainees and the emergency lights turn on. People can be heard scouting the area.

“Jihoon, run. Please,” Cheol begs.

Jihoon can see the lights filtering into the clearing. “We’ll meet again?”

Cheol smiles.





The class of 2073 is a hot topic considering it was epicenter of the “Revived Android Project” and Soonyoung graduating at the top of his class was something the Kwon’s were especially proud of.

That day, they received their cyborg arms, installed professionally. The arms are equipped to pump a special serum to enhance strength, and also has many functionalities fueled by a powerful microchip. It is monitored 24/7.

When Soonyoung looks at his cyborg arm it seems to serve as a solemn reminder. The arm turns on,

Soonyoung. Your mood depicts sadness. Is something the matter? You can always tell us.

Soonyoung shakes his head, “No I’m ok.”

OK. We are always here for you, Soonyoung.

— Current Year: 2075 —

Soonyoung returned from dance practice and crashed on his couch. On his coffee table he sees a letter.

𝚝𝚘: 𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐

𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖:  𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚒

He runs to his drawer and grabs a small tool, similar in size and shape to a screwdriver and unscrews several bolts on his cyborg arm. He sees the lights turn off, indicating that the power in his arm is temporarily shut off. He has 5 minutes to read this letter before someone comes to his door to check on him. He has 5 minutes of complete solidarity where they won’t know what he’s doing.

He tears open the letter and reads it as quickly as he can.


Soonyoung hears three sharp knocks on his door.

He opens the door and his smile widens, “Ah! Wonwoo~ am I happy to see you!!”

Wonwoo sharpened his gaze at him, “Your gear was off for 5 minutes. The registry was worried so they sent me.”

Soonyoung smiled sheepishly, “Ah you know how it is sometimes, it felt a little off so I was readjusting! Then I dropped the screwdriver and it rolled away and you know how much of a trouble maker my cat is…she kept kicking it awa—“

“Don’t bullshit me,” Wonwoo interrupted. “If I see that you have any intention of betraying us I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

Soonyoung smirked, “Is that how you treat someone ranked higher than you?”

Wonwoo stepped towards Soonyoung, so that they were face to face, “Your rank won’t mean shit if you’re going to run away like Jihoonie~”

Soonyoung’s jaw tightened as he balled up his fists.

Wonwoo sported a cheshire grin.

“Don’t make me report you like I did to Jihoon back when we were trainees. I don’t think living with a bounty over your head is a fun way to live, is it?”

“Of course not. I would never give up my position. I live for my country,” Soonyoung deadpanned.

Wonwoo gave him a final smile, “Glad to hear it, Soonyoung. Don’t make me come here again.”


The letter came with a microchip. One was left on the coffee table, and the other was in Soonyoung’s arm.

Kwon Soonyoung is a lot of things, but he will not betray his country.





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