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A member registered 90 days ago

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Oh don't worry I can wait for the new episodes since as of I know a new chapter a new character?and I appreciate you working hard on this even in your free time I am really excited for the future senerios that will be coming up 

Plus this VN is really unique concept it's not a simple slice of life it's a isekai and you don't see that everyday in a VN soo keep up the good work <3

I recently finished chapter 3 and i can't deny that this VN is one of the best ones I have recently read in my opinion this VN is a 10/10 and I predicted the futures chapters are gonna be awesome and can't wait for the updates

Dont worry though I already played the VN and it's one of the great ones I ever seen

This VN was very good and really piqued my interest in it can't wait for the new updates 

In my opinion it's a 10/10 so far

Nope it was my WiFi I figured it out soon enough from deleting many things that I don't really use anymore

....oh I guess that would make sense

I can't even download the mobile version it says "Forbidden" idk what that means

Can anyone help me ?

This is the most cute and heartwarming VN I ever seen and I can't even wait for the next update to come out I really liked it and this a 5 star VN if I ever seen one; I like how it's was a sudden beginning and ended with a sweet note =]

Even though it just released I really can't wait for the next update if the VN will be updated soon

I recently finished chapter 5 and I can really say that this VN is good I really liked they reused  Baxter and I liked this happened after the events of the previous VN .10/10 so far I can't wait for the new chapters and I really liked there is song in the VN so unique I can't even think how long I can wait tho

Then again I am patient.

Keep up the good work =)

In my opinion this VN is a 11/10 and I would really like a story after this one .The epilogue of WIKY Would be interesting 

Love this VN 

This VN is so good with the characters, their relationship with each other and the overall plot of the routes and I finished the 4th build and I can't wait for the next one I hope it's soon ^u^

also I am really honoured that you responded to my comment I didn't even see the other's comment got any reply from you so I am really honoured getting a respond from one of my favourite vn creators

Oh that is good to know and I would love to see it

But when will be the full release will be released like a month(I can't really get patreon because I am broke XD)

I heard that he will start making progress on the other vn so don't expect the next update to be soon i guess

Is that really the end of the sissel route I expect to be more ya know more sweet or like sissel winning the competition or something but still I still loved the update really freshen up from old saves of mine

That is fine I can wait for it besides there is a lot more material in this site than I thought anyways so I don't mind waiting a month or two for some juicy content 

What do you mean by "bad person" though

Oh! Well I think just search up shikoroi and I think you should see it

I hope soo because I recently played temptation ballad and it is really good story building,unique characters,and funny interactions between character 

If I were to say which is better repeat or TB 

I would pick repeat(the characters grew on me since some part of the story are relatable)

I am shocked how this is one of the best vn/games I have ever played even the trailer is great .it's like an RPG,vn and a dating game all in together 

This is a well animated, visually pleasing backgrounds, unique characters and a lore that I would know more about

Can't wait for the next chapters

Well when is the sissel route's final update ? I am dying to know what happen after the ordeal (no pressure)

I really got invested into visual novels recently and by far this is one the best I have seen so far even though it's incomplete also i recommend other visual novels if like romantic/lore heavy novel I recommend "Repeat"(it's nsfw so I warned you ) or the other visual novel "kibbleton University" (it's also nsfw) made by the same team that made WTDL 

(Sorry if I promote another visual novel)