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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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An awesome VN with a story that kept me itching to know more! 

Such a sweet little game! 

Such an awesome little VN! Already love the world of V:TM so I enjoyed digging my teeth into this too! 

Such an intriguing story and loved the art on it! 

Such a lovely game about spending time with Grandma! It certainly brought back some memories of going mushroom picking with my own parents!

This was really short but certainly got the point across! Hopefully, one day, Palestine and its people will be free! 

All the mini games were certainly interesting! 

Loved all the interactions with the characters, and espcially loved the character portraits!

Thoroughly enjoyed this! Loved all the characters (especially Mint!) and the story telling was excellent.

Really loved the main characters idgaf and blunt nature at times. Lead to some really interesting and funny interactions! 

I really loved the concept of this and all the mysteries within! 

This is such a cool story concept with such beautiful art!

Loved every moment of this VN. Chet and Sol are so cute together! 

I adore the visuals in this! 

This game is excellent! I love how it incorporated so many asain folklore! 

Although I've never experienced what the character has gone through it sure made me feel like it! Such a great game and absolutely love the art! 

I had a blast with this game! I loved the slow build up with only noticing small details changing before throwing you into the weirdness! 

The art-style is so unique and cool! Also the fighting in this game is a lot of fun!

This was such a cute little game :) 

Who knew a game about fighting slimes could be so dark and depressing 

A really good dungeon crawler game. Also love me a good birb! 

This is such a cool concept and loved the LISA styled combat! 

Mitten's is 10/10 best cat!!!

I absolutely adored this VN! Really enjoyed the characters :3 

(1 edit)

Honestly this reminds me  of old weird/creepy animations I'd find on Newgrounds or Youtube back in like the 2000s 

Really love this type of game and I honestly wished there was more! 

Got a little lost but loved finding some of the secrets along the way! 

Such an interesting concept! 

The story absolutely broke my heart! But still love the nostalgia for the old times browsing the internet. 

Such a lovely story! Also really fantastic artwork!

I really loved the story telling! 

This is such a good story and certainly kept me on my toes! Also loved the character design for 1310 <3 

A really good read for sure! 

Such a heart-warming read! 

Such an adorable game! 10/10 cause a dog gave me headpats! 

Really loved the pixel art and enjoyed exploring the world! 

A short yet very sweet, and cute, game!

Got a little lost but had fun fighting against the killer snails! 

The concept of the game is such a cool idea!