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Flamez Plays

A member registered Oct 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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It's a fun little time killer (ha) with some unique weapons. Just wish I had a bit of a better idea of what was going on.

For your first horror game, this was impressive. The scares started off subtle until it grew into a panic. Great work!

A nice showcase of scares and creepy design, but it didn't really rope me into the story or gameplay. I'd love to know at least a little bit about the disappearance or story through the demo.

Compared to the original demo, you definitely have improved. Really fun scares, solid puzzles, and the environment is great. Looking forward to the full release!

It does get a bit long winded having to go back and forth in the beginning, but that train made it all worth it. Nice story, good scares, and a fun time. Great work!

Honestly, I feel like our character is a bit of a jerk, but the Clownun certainly didn't need to stab us. Fun little game for a few minutes.

Adorably cute, which gets pretty tense and creepy once the gameplay starts. Great job!

Equal parts absurd but also has some good scares and a pretty sick looking monster. Well done!

For your first release it's really solid. You amped up the tension great and the pay off story was pretty good. My only complain is the time frame that the game takes place in doesn't match with the assets, but that's easily fixed.

Pretty solid, I just feel like the Wendigo kinda left me alone after a bit though. When he did show up it was a pretty tense scare, and it was a lot of fun roaming the map looking for all 3 endings, but what was with that ticket thing?

The left path was great, really weird and interesting but the right path seemed to have been bugged out or something. I just kept getting stabbed with no other options.

I was able to complete it, but there's very little actual guidance to how to find your way around, and the time limit until the monster gets too fast to outrun is a pretty good idea so you're not left wandering for hours looking for your cabin.

Scares were great and well timed, but I'm really lost on what the monster had to do with the story.

For a novice you really showed good talent on both player/difficulty progression and at how to make something tense. Great work!

Some of the pill effects, especially when I hit 100, were really intense. I liked the idea though, with the maze not being overly difficult to progress, and the monster being a fun threat.

I loved the uneasiness of descending, every level felt like something was just around the corner. The payoff was fun with the build up to it, really great work!

Honestly, I'm not one for Granny style games but this hooked me. I feel like the "day end" system could be better conveyed than a random key spawning, and the AI seemed to get hitched up at the first hallway after he catches you, but it was pretty fun and got a few good scares outta me.

The slow burn was pretty good, leading to a solid payoff and leaving me questioning a lot about what happened towards the end.

Extremely well done, bringing the tension during the chase sequences with the fun of hunting down burgers. Really great work!

The night stalker was  certainly pretty goofy. I'd even go as far as to say he was absurd.

I liked the design of the environment, the atmosphere was certainly creepy, and the scare were solid. I just wish I knew anything about the story after playing the demo so I could feel more strongly about it.

Reminded me a lot of Vidas' games, with it's own style of weirdness. Loved the creepy eyes and heads, the entire experience was unsettling.

I loved the little snippets of context, and spent WAY too long trying to find a secret ending. Awesome work at designing something simple, effectively scary, and with good replayability.

A super unique movement system that ramps up the tension as you try to control your escape.  I was just left a little confused at what the goal was, as nothing seemed interactable and it felt like a giant loop.

Some good scares, overall really weird but definitely enjoyable. It really feels like there's more to it than just pooping.

Really great demo. Starts off slow and introducing everyone and builds up to a great scare and atmosphere. Looking forward to the rest of the chapters.

For a bit of a meme game, this was actually pretty interesting. The fetching didn't go on too long, the scares were pretty good, and the atmosphere was equally weird and creepy.

Absolutely amazing. I loved the story, the characters, the growth they showed and how the played off each other well. The horror was expected but that twist got me good. Fantastic work!

It's definitely the better of the Yahaha Horror games I've played recently. It didn't feel like an asset showcase but more of an attempt at tying a bunch of assets together. The scares were still eh, the sound effects were default and unfitting, but I did enjoy the atmosphere of the gas station and the apartment break in.

A fun little puzzle with an interesting design and even more interesting voice acting. Great work!

Did I play the same game as everyone else in the comments? This felt more like an asset showcase than an actual game, with things laid out in bizarre ways, random jumpscares, triggers that repeated over and over, and keys that seemed to go nowhere.

Absolutely nailed the claustrophobia, the sounds were great and every reveal of the monster got me good. Not exactly sure what happened with the ending as my camera just freaked out but it was a lot of fun.

I can kinda see where they're going, but it's pretty buggy. Main horror is jumpscares, objects floating everywhere, and I even managed to escape death by shimmying.

Loved both the trivia aspect and the actual tension from seeing the scoreboards going up during the games. Great work on making a gameshow unsettling!

The frequency effect is jarring but plays so well into the tension. The monsters look great!

Straightforward but very effective. I loved the monster's look and the secret jumpscare got me extremely good.

A great mix of spooky and campy, I really enjoyed the basicness of the game, the bizarre plot, and had a lot of fun. Great work!

Goofy but actually got me a few times when he came out of the fog. I'm not exactly sure what happened after the RUN sequence.

It looks awesome, has some solid foundation for a demo, and the killer is pretty intense looking. I do have some suggestions I went over in my video, and scoping out more of the story shown in the demo would definitely bring more hype up.