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It's hard to believe that this game was mostly made by one person. There's an incredible amount of high quality content: 12 completely different, beautiful, immersive dream-like worlds.

The game uses a retro, PS1-style aesthetic, with low res pixelated textures and low poly models. Nevertheless, it's very beautiful, with excellent lighting and beautiful VFX. The sound design and music is excellent too, and helps to create a unique atmosphere for each world. The dialogs are well written and engaging: each NPC has its own character and "voice" (not literally - there's no voice acting), and interesting things to say.

The gameplay by itself isn't very deep: most challenges are key/door challenges, sometimes literal, sometimes figurative (help an NPC by fetching an item for them). You have some choices in dialog options, which mostly give different, interesting responses, but in the end it's still a mostly linear experience with no major choices. You always get further by being friendly and helpful, which is something I like.

Then there are jumping challenges, sometimes with moving platforms. Jumping challenges rarely create good gameplay: either they're relatively simple and boring, or they're tedious and frustrating. Fortunately, the former choice is made here, although there are still a few places where one missed jump requires some tedious backtracking. Tip: learn to use your sprint button, also in mid air.

This may sound negative, but I think the forgiving gameplay is actually fitting here: it rarely gets in the way of enjoying the sensory experience and exploration, which is what this game is all about, but it provides enough interaction to keep you engaged and interested. The level design is excellent and clear: despite needing to search for some items, you're never really lost, and there's very good, subtle guidance throughout, though also enough space to explore some side paths, and some hidden secrets.

I said "dream-like worlds" above, but be warned: towards the end it gets quite nightmarish instead, with some truly scary and haunting places to explore (especially if you play it as recommended: with headphones in a dark space!) The game doesn't rely on cheap jump scares, but instead, crafts an excellent, tense atmosphere, where some things are clearly not as they should be.

If this sounds like your type of game, then I strongly recommend checking it out - it's a masterpiece in its genre.

Hi Paul-

Thanks for the thoroughly thought out review. I appreciate you playing and enjoying the game so much! Cheers