Intesi Group

Intesi Group

Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Milano, MI 4.674 follower


Chi siamo

Intesi Group is the Italian provider of state of the art applications and data security technology products and services. The company has been in continuous growing in the last twenty years, creating innovative products and solving the security needs of its clients. Intesi Group offers a complete software framework for identification, authentication, electronic signature and cryptography. Intesi Group is a QTSP (Qualified Trust Service Provider) and its PkBox Security Server is certified as QSCD (Qualified Signature Creation Device) to guarantee maximum security to its cloud services.

Sito Web
Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, MI
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Main areas: Digital Signature, Remote Signature, Strong Authentication, Encryption, Mobile App, Electronic Payments, Cloud Services, Cloud Signature, Digital Signature, QTSP, REM, Digital Identity, Trust Services, Preservation e escrow



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