Data Valley Consulting

Data Valley Consulting

Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Milano, Lombardia 766 follower

Partner e community per la data strategy

Chi siamo

Data Valley is a company, a think tank, and a community specialized in the development of data-driven business models, data-sharing and data spaces models, and AI applications. The team is composed of university researchers, start-up experts, lawyers specializing in data-driven models, compliance, and artificial intelligence experts. It adopts an integrated approach involving: a) strategic research, b) consulting, c) policy advisory, and d) education and dissemination. In particular, it focuses on: a) data strategy, data governance, data monetization, and the development of data-driven business models and platform models; b) interactions and integration between Big Tech and Small Medium Enterprises; c) creation of data spaces and data sharing models; d) AI training and AI risk management.

Sito Web
Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Lombardia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


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    We are excited to share that Carlo Rossi Chauvenet represented our team at the Privacy Symposium in Venice. This event offered over 140 sessions with over 300 expert speakers, promoting international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge-sharing on data regulation, compliance, and innovative technologies. During the Health Panel, it became clear that our health depends not only on the quality of hospitals and the expertise of medical professionals but also on the integrity of data governance. Effective sharing and reuse of health data are essential for advancing scientific research and training AI systems. Robust regulations and skilled professionals are key to ensuring data is utilized safely and beneficially. Carlo brought back invaluable insights on how data interoperability can revolutionize healthcare, making it more efficient and innovative. Join us and follow our journey to stay informed and be part of the transformation! #Data #AI #Healthcare #PrivacySymposium #DigitalHealth #Innovation

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    We recently participated in the OASC Summit held in Rotterdam on June 3-4. This event, centered on connecting local digital ecosystems through interoperability, provided an invaluable context for exploring this critical topic. Keynote speeches, panel discussions, and round tables held during the summit emphasized the key role of interoperability in enabling successful innovative urban projects. This concept extends far beyond technical capabilities, embodying organizational cooperation - a collective mindset for innovation - and the seamless exchange of information. Effective urban solutions for European cities have to enhance interoperability by taking a holistic approach and technical solutions are not enough. OASC provided the Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) for supporting smart cities in achieving a minimal yet sufficient level of interoperability for data, systems, and services. Explore the MIMs here: Stay tuned for more updates on our journey to create smarter and more interconnected cities. Follow us to stay informed and be part of the future of digital innovation! #Interoperability #SmartCities #DigitalInnovation #OASC #DigitalTransition #RotterdamSummit2024

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    We are pleased to inform you that our team member, Valentina Pagnanelli, will be speaking at the upcoming seminar organized as part of the ARC II Project by Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali and Università degli Studi di Firenze. Valentina will contribute her expertise during the seminar on "Le basi giuridiche," commencing at 10:00 AM. She will delve into the topic of legitimate data processing as outlined in the GDPR in a dedicated session on legal basis. We invite you to attend and participate in the discussions! 🗓 Date: May 30, 2024 📍 Location: Provincial Headquarters of Salerno, "Girolamo Bottiglieri" Hall, Via Roma, 104 - Salerno #Seminar #LegalExperts #ARCIIProject #SalernoEvent #KnowledgeSharing #PublicEvent

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    Sono ormai tanti gli use cases che prevedono l’utilizzo dell’AI nel contesto urbano e, soprattutto nel nord Europa i dati delle aziende e quelle del mondo privato vengono incrociati per offrire servizi migliori ai cittadini agli utenti, sfruttando anche nuove tecnologie di anonimizzazione come i #dati #sintetici. Di questo si è parlato nella tavola rotonda dal titolo "#AI in the #Urban #Landscape: Navigating Data Governance with Multiple Stakeholders" moderata da Carlo Rossi Chauvenet alla Computers Privacy and Data Protection CPDP Conferences di Bruxelles dove è stato anche presentata la seconda edizione del white paper sulle #smartcities edito da Data Valley Consulting #smartcity #AI

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    CPDP 2024 - Panel: AI in the Urban Landscape We are at this year's CPDP conference with a panel that explores the intersection of AI technology and urban data governance. We are proud to feature an exceptional lineup of thought leaders in the field: Moderator: Carlo Rossi Chauvenet, Data Valley Consulting Panelists: Sophie Meszaros, Open & Agile Smart Cities & Communities (OASC); Bárbara Lazarotto, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Christopher Wilson, MyData Global; Daniele Panfilo, PhD, Aindo. 🔍 Focus of the Panel: This discussion will focus on the governance of data and AI in urban environments. We'll examine how effective governance frameworks can enhance urban life while ensuring strict adherence to data privacy and fostering sustainable development. Our panel will address the strategic and policy measures required for the ethical integration of AI, aligning innovation with public trust and compliance. 🗝 Key Topics Include: - Collaborative strategies among stakeholders to align AI innovation with data protection. - The role of data governance in driving inclusive and sustainable urban growth. - Cross-sector cooperation for ethical AI implementation. - Methods to enhance transparency and accountability in smart city frameworks. 🎯 Why You Should Attend: Engage with industry leaders and gain insights into the latest strategies for balancing technological advancement with ethical data usage in smart cities. This panel is crucial for anyone involved in policy-making, business leadership, or technology innovation focused on the future of urban environments. 📌 Who Should Attend? This panel is ideal for policymakers, business leaders, and tech professionals focused on the future of AI, data privacy, and smart urban management. 📅 Mark Your Calendar! Stay tuned for more details. #CPDP2024 #AI #SmartCities #DataPrivacy #Innovation #UrbanTech

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    This morning Valentina Pagnanelli, from our team, took the stage as a speaker at the conference "Le figure privacy e gli adempimenti" in Cagliari. Organized by the Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali and the Università degli Studi di Firenze, this event is a significant part of the ARC II project, focusing on empowering small and medium-sized enterprises with essential insights on privacy roles and compliance. Held at the prestigious Aula Magna "Mario Carta" at the University of Cagliari, the conference convened leading experts to delve into critical privacy issues. We are honored to have Valentina represent us at such a high-caliber event and to collaborate with these notable institutions. Our commitment to advancing legal expertise in privacy and data protection remains steadfast as we continue to support and guide businesses through the complexities of compliance. #Privacy #DataProtection #LegalExperts #SMEs #ARCII #GarantePrivacy #UniversityOfFlorence

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    We are pleased to inform you that our esteemed colleagues, Sveva Ianese and Silvia Martinelli, will be participating as speakers at the forthcoming 7th edition of the "Rethinking Clusters" international conference. This notable event is scheduled to take place in Padova, Italy, from May 9th to 10th, 2024, and will host a global assembly of scholars and practitioners dedicated to exploring the frontiers of cluster research within the framework of sustainability transitions. During the session, they will explore the role of Innovative Forms of Public-Private Engagement in Fostering the Sustainability Transitions of cities and the impact of legal models for urban data use and reuse. We invite you to join us for these insightful presentations and engage in discussions that aim to reshape the future of sustainable urban environments. For more information and to register for the conference, please visit the conference website: #RethinkingClusters2024 #Sustainability #SmartCities #UniversityOfPadua #UniversitàDiPadova



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    Innovating Integration in Healthcare: The Critical Role of Data Spaces in the Digital Age 🌐 In the digital revolution transforming cities into smart ecosystems, managing data through Data Spaces is essential. These infrastructures are particularly crucial in healthcare, promising improved life quality and service efficiency. What are Data Spaces? Data Spaces are technological frameworks that facilitate the secure, regulated sharing of data (both personal and non-personal) within a digital ecosystem. They support data governance, ensuring all transactions comply with legal standards and maintain high security and trust levels. The Key Role of Data Spaces in Healthcare The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is pioneering the centralization of health data management in Europe, enabling: • Access and Management: Simplifying the handling of electronic health records and genomic data. • Research and Innovation: Enhancing research with reliable data to develop more effective, personalized treatments. • Privacy and Security: Ensuring full privacy, allowing individuals to control their data access actively. Benefits of EHDS for Digital Health • Enhanced Decision-Making: Accessible, shareable data leads to more accurate, data-driven decisions. • Boosted Research Innovation: Researchers use extensive health data for developing tailored treatments, advancing personalized medicine. • Standardization and Interoperability: EHDS promotes standard formats for health information exchange, facilitating system integration across Europe. #DataSpace #Healthcare

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    L'approvazione dell'AI Act segna un passo cruciale per l'evoluzione tecnologica nell'UE, ma necessita di un attento coordinamento con la normativa preesistente - primi tra tutti il GDPR e la Direttiva Copyright. Nel corso delle negoziazioni sul testo del regolamento sull'intelligenza artificiale sono state da più parti evidenziate le criticità relative alla sovrapposizione tra le regole poste a presidio dei diritti fondamentali in senso generale - su cui si incentra l’AI Act - e quelle finalizzate alla tutela di interessi specifici, quali la protezione di soggetti interessati dal trattamento di dati personali o la protezione del diritto d’autore. In questo articolo scritto per Data Valley, Marianna Riedo e Alice Seren individuano alcuni dubbi e difficoltà che interesseranno l'applicazione delle nuove norme, che richiederanno ulteriori interventi da parte del legislatore o delle autorità competenti per garantire al mercato digitale UE regole chiare, promuovendo un'innovazione responsabile e inclusiva. #AIAct #EURegulations #GDPR #DataProtection #CopyrightLaw #DigitalInnovation

    L’allineamento dell’AI Act con il quadro normativo esistente: GDPR e Direttiva Copyright

    L’allineamento dell’AI Act con il quadro normativo esistente: GDPR e Direttiva Copyright

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    Expanding the European Digital Frontier: The Strategic Rollout of European Data Spaces 🌐 Data Spaces are pivotal in the EU's Digital Strategy, serving as infrastructures that enable secure data transactions across various stakeholders within a standardized governance framework. These structures are instrumental at a European and National level, enhancing data sharing securely and trustworthily. Key Developments: - Strategic Sectors: Initially targeting nine key fields, the initiative will be further expanded to 14 economic sectors including health, agriculture, energy, and public administration, with plans to interconnect these spaces into a single data market. - Governance and Access: These spaces are characterized by their secure, privacy-preserving infrastructure that ensures data is pooled, accessed, and shared transparently and equitably under well-defined governance mechanisms. - Legislative Framework: Aligning with EU laws, they uphold principles of personal data protection and competitive fairness, enabling stakeholders to share data safely for innovation. Current Status and Future Directions: 2024 Outlook: The rollout continues with enhanced focus on sector-specific data spaces, supported by the EU through the key contribution of the Data Spaces Support Centre and other important initiatives. Innovation and Benefits: These data spaces are set to catalyze the development of both new data-driven products and services and AI solutions to grow the European data economy. Stay tuned to understand how data spaces could empower your business. #DataSpaces #DigitalEurope #EUDataStrategy #DataDrivenInnovation #EuropeanEconomy

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