Advertising Opportunities on Insecure.Org

If you offer products or services that would be of interest to the network security community, we would be happy to accept your sponsorship. Our sites are popular destinations for professionals seeking the latest network security tools and information. We have received favorable coverage and awards from publications such as Info World, Linux Journal, Wired, SANS Institute, Sun World, Codetalker Digest, CIO Institute Bulletin, Computer World, Sys Admin, Network World, and many others.

We maintain the following sites:

All of our ads are managed and displayed through Google's AdWords system. This allows you to start advertising on our sites immediately using the same system and creatives you may already have set up. Google also offers advanced targetting and reporting features so you can select the exact sites, pages, and audience you want, while obtaining real-time results on campaign effectiveness.

Google's AdWords Managed Placements Systems allows you to specifically place your ads on our sites and even specifically choose the placements from the three we offer on each page:

To enable advertising on any or all of our sites (see list above), add us as managed placements for your AdWords campaign. The more detailed instructions are here. Google also offers extensive documentation for setting up AdWords campaigns.

If you have any questions or problems related to campaigns on our site, please email us at [email protected] or leave us a voice message at +1 (415) 915-9337 and we will call you back.

Banner Guidelines, and Examples

Even though we aren't currently requiring ad creative pre-approval, we actively remove ads (and block advertisers) who violate our guidelines. In addition to following all of Google's AdWords policies, we have the following rules:

Thanks for considering advertising on our sites! If you are ready to start a campaign, visit Google AdWords Managed Placements and let us know if you encounter any problems.