Terms of Service

By using the website and/or services of Inline Apps Ltd. (hereinafter “inline”) directly or indirectly. You indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to abide the Term of Service (hereinafter “this Term of Service”) of inline. inline reserves the right to change, modify, or update this Term of Service at any time. Before using inline website and or services please carefully read through all the conditions in the Term of Service. Please check regularly for any updates and announcements on the inline website. If you do not agree to all the terms or do not agree with the term where inline have the right to modify at any time, or if your country or territory excludes all or part of the terms, please stop using inline website or services immediately.

inline provides customer relationship management services, including but not limited to reservation platforms, automated reservation confirmation, table status management, customer service applications, customer information statistics, operational management, and marketing, etc. (For more details visit https://inline.company , herein as “Services”)

By using the inline website and or services, you have accepted and acknowledged that:

  1. You are an identifiable natural person, legal person or other organizations, and have accepted this Term of Service with legal rights according to the law. If you do not have the above qualification, you and your legal representative shall therefrom bear all consequences, and inline has the right to claim compensation from you and your legal representative (including but not limited to lawyer fees, etc.);
  2. You are not a person located in the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA), if you are located in the EU or EEA, inline reserves the right to terminate your use of inline website and or services at any time.
  3. You have the right to use inline website and services within the scope of the regulation. You agree that inline may use your information, within the applicable laws or relevant regulations, while you operate inline website and services;
  4. You shall not conduct any illegal activity for any third party or usage while using inline website and services. You may not use inline website / or services for activities in misleading or damaging inline credit or reputation.
  5. You shall abide by all applicable laws of the Republic of Singapore, or the laws of the jurisdiction in which your usage of inline’s services physically occurs.  Regardless of legal jurisdiction you may not use the inline website or services to infringe on or cause to be infringed the natural rights of other corporate or natural persons, as defined in the UDHR.
  6. In the event of violation of any applicable laws, you will be responsible for your own legal liability; you agree that in the event of the violation (including but not limited to the following) inline shall terminate your right to use inline website and or services. If the violation caused loss or damage to inline, inline may request damage compensation (including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and credit loss.
    1. You have violated this Term of Service;
    2. Attempted to access the website without authorization by yourself or with the aid of another person.
    3. You have used or misused inline website and or services;
    4. Use of bots or other technical means to alter, delete, damage inline data or contents in the website or equipment, or affecting the operation of the website management;
    5. By exploiting the vulnerability of inline website or, other technical methods, to access or destroying the website’s safety mechanism, by changing, deleting or collecting personal data of others.
    6. You violated any relevant regulations.

Inline reserves the right to cancel or terminate the website or services you are using at any time, in the case of suspicious activities. You are obligated to comply with the obligations above or you will accept the termination or suspension of your usage rights. If you suspect these obligations have been violated, please send an email to: [email protected] to notify inline.

Limited Authorization

You are granted limited non-exclusive and non-transferable authorization by inline to have access and use of inline website and services. Only inline have full authorization, benefits and obligations to transfer to others. This Term of Service shall grant full and effective authorization to the successor or assignee of inline.

Rules of Conduct

You may access inline services for any purpose that is not prohibited by the Terms of Service. Any use of services other than the given permissions are all prohibited. When you are accessing or using inline website, you agree and consent not to do the following:

  1. Intrude this website, or disassemble the website, reverse engineering, interpreting, decoding or other ways to obtain the source code;
  2. Modify, rewrite, improve, enhance, translate or produce derivative works of the inline website;
  3. Violate any relevant laws and regulations while using this website;
  4. Remove, alter or conceal information of inline or its suppliers, partners and licensors;
  5. Businesses or individuals without programmatic licenses with inline may not use inline’s services manually or in an automated fashion to create bookings for resale or transfer to any user of another booking service.  Inline reserves the right to seize or cancel bookings created for these purposes, without refund or other compensation.
  6. Provide inline services in an obfuscated manner to consumers using the web or offline means;
  7. Using inline website to mail out automated questionnaires or commercial advertisement;
  8. Unauthorized use of inline proprietary information or intellectual property rights.
  9. Obtaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access or use the contents of inline website or services;
  10. Use or attempt to use web crawler on inline website;
  11. Cause an overflow of data to the infrastructure equipment;
  12. Upload files or computer code containing any virus, trojan, or worms.

If you are a consumer and have purchased or received an inline booking from an unauthorized third-party website or app (aka a scalper), your booking will be canceled and any deposit or fees paid will be forfeited without refund or other compensation.

Intellectual property rights protection

The use of software or programs on inline website, all the contents on the website, including but not limited to works, photos, files, information, data, website structure, website layout, website design, are intellectual property owned by inline or other right holders. Including but not limited to trademark rights, patents, copyrights, corporate secrets etc. No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, alter, spread, publish, publicly announce, perform restoration, decompile, or disassemble. If you wish to cite or reproduce the described software, program or website contents, you must obtain prior written consent from Inline and affifilated rights holders. If you have violated the above terms you shall be liable for the damages caused to inline and affected inline customers (including but not limited to attorney fees, etc.)

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is top priority to inline, and inline have already created a Privacy Policy on the related matter, for more information please visit: /privacy.


You agree, inline reserve the right at their sole discretion, to terminate or discontinue your access and or use of the website at any time. Inline is not responsible for the loss or damage to the user or third party caused by the termination or discontinue of the users access or use of the inline website or services.

Inline website provides the present situation for you to use, inline reserves the right to modify one or all of the service functions at any time. Inline does not warrant and will not express, imply, warrant or claim, including but not limited to the quality, performance, non-infringement, warrant for selling or for specific purpose, or during transaction, by convention or by or industry practices.

Inline makes no warrantee that the inline website and or inline server are free of virus, worm, software lock, trojan, routers, trapdoor, time bombs or any other harmful codes, commands, programs or components. Inline is not liable for damages and or losses and is not liable for notifying you, whether you are using or unable to use inline website and or services.

Inline does not warrant that the inline network and or services will not be affected by the actions of any third party, (including but not limited to cyber-attacks) inline does not guarantee foresight, prevention, mitigation of third-party actions, or take appropriate measures, inline is not liable for any damages and or losses caused by the third party.

While using any of the inline website and or services, you understand that inline does not make any prior review of the contents on this website and do not have full control over the user’s behavior, including the contents truth, completeness or usefulness, you agree to bear all the risks at your own discretion. However inline reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove any contents that violates this Term of Service or sensitive contents.  You understand and agree that inline shall, under reasonable purpose, may preserve and disclose the contents of the website to government agencies, judicial police, guardians of minors and related members:

  1. To comply with the requirements of the laws and regulations or requirements of government agencies.
  2. To provide services to those using the website.
  3. To prevent major harm to the rights of others.
  4. To avoid the danger of life, body, freedom, rights, and property of the user and the public.
  5. Other situations that inline believes are necessary.

Inline reserves the right to temporary modify or terminate the network and or services of inline at any time (or any part thereof), and whether or not notified, you agree that inline does not assume any responsibility to you or any third party, when inline modifies, suspend, or terminate the inline website and or services.

You acknowledge to the fullest extent permitted by law, you will personally bear all risks associated when using inline website and or inline services or other efficacy.

Third Party Content and Website

The inline website may contain links or content for other websites, you may be linked to other website or sales platforms, and this does not mean inline has affiliations with the linked businessed. Inline does not control and does not endorse or guarantee the content of the third parties, nor does inline assume responsibility for the content, privacy policy nor practices of the third-party websites. Inline does not take direct or indirect responsibility, you assume all damage, or loss if you use or rely on any content, goods or services offered on linked third-party websites. Inline have no obligation to ensure the links you visit will be completely risk-free. You should take precaution to ensure that the websites you visit are legitimate and free of malicious programs.

Limited Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, inline will not be liable for any damages, loss of profit, income loss, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of data, indirect loss caused by inline website and or services. Inline liability is capped to the member fee charged by inline to any single user.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, for reasons during your use of the inline website and or services or for violation of this Terms of Service, any lawsuit that has or had occurred to inline, liability, litigation cost, compensation claims, direct or indirect losses or damages, etc. you agree to compensate the full amount (including attorney fees) to inline, its directors, shareholders, managers, employees, agents, users, and affiliated companies and partners.

Force Majeure

For unforeseeable circumstances, legal or policy changes or other factors beyond the control of inline, in which inline is unable to provide website services, inline may stop providing related services at any time.

Revision of Terms of Service

Inline reserves the right to modify or change the content of this Term of Service, or to suspend, terminate inline website and or services. It is subject to notice. Once the Term of Service have changed, inline will post the changes on this website. You should always be aware of the modifications or changes. The modified Term of Service will replace the previous Term and is effective immediately once it is posted on the website. When you continue the use of inline website and or services after any modification or changes of the Term of Service, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept the modifications or changes herein.


This Term of Service and any other agreements, notice or other notices related to your use of inline website and or services, you agree that inline must notify you electronically, for example: email, inline website or partners website, wireless communication devices etc. You agree to inline that the notices are effective immediately on the date it is sent electronically. Inline will not be liable for any reasons or failure to receive the notice of its users.

Applicable Law

This validity, interpretation, application and resolution of this Term of Service, are all based on the laws of Singapore, and interpreted in accordance with the law. When disputes arise while both parties are using inline website, services or violation of the Term of Service, disputes or differences, the two sides agree to first negotiate on the principle of good faith. If the negotiation is not successful, both parties agree to binding arbitration conducted by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. You and inline can only make claims and requests to other with your own name, cannot apply for litigation for groups or representatives, merge procedure or party that includes multiple petitioners.

Severable Provisions

If any provision of this Term of Service is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such terms shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of other terms.


If inline delays or does not enforce the rights under this Term of Service, it does not constitute forfeiting such rights.


These Terms of Service and any policies or enforced rules from inline are a complete contract between you and inline, and will replace any previous form of agreement between the parties, communications or suggestions (including but not limited to previous Terms of Service)

If you have any questions or comments about the above Term of Service, or if you are aware of any related violations, please contact inline:[email protected].
