suki stans

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

a farewell..?

so. first of all, i want to say thank you to each and every one of you, for making this blog one of the brightest spots in my life - even if i was assaulted by white people’s abysmal tastebuds every month.

second, this blog isn’t going anywhere, not really. however, this unfortunately does mean the end for the what team au. i’ll still post, reblog and answer asks. i also want operation sfa to continue for as long as possible because nothing makes me happier than fanartists getting their recognition. but - i won’t be as active as i used to be.

i’m trying to recalibrate right now. with the vaccine out, uni is starting up again soon and i’m struggling with trying to go to a different country, maintaining my grades for a scholarship, working for an unpaid internship and finding a new job all at the same time.

which brings me to my last point: i’m still struggling. if you have ever liked my content, if this blog has made you smile - please donate to my ko-fi. every little bit helps. please.

i am so, so grateful to everyone here.

Pinned Post this was really really really difficult to write i just. i really can't express how grateful i am for all of you i just won't be as punctual about posting anymore but i promise im not going anywhere in fact some of you may not even find a difference but. yeah. thank you.

Kofi link is on my page


[ID: Two full-color digital paintings of the southern water tribe. In the first painting Kya and Hakoda are in the foreground, both with their hoods up, the sky soft blue and pink behind them. Kya’s parka is purple and she faces forward and right, smiling at Hakoda next to her. His parka is light blue and he faces left. Hakoda is holding small toddler Sokka in a darker blue parka with his hood down, Sokka is looking at the viewer. Kya is holding a sleeping baby Katara close to her chest.

In the second painting there is only child Sokka, he is small with a navy blue parka with a thick soft-looking white fur trim. His hood is down and he faces the viewer, though his head is tilted back to stare at the sky. Black snow falls around him, and mountains are far away in the background. End ID.] @atladescribed

“▶︎ pokemon trainer suki and her starter rowlet
she wants to be the best pokemon ranger out there (and I’m definitely in her fan club, cheering her on every step of the way) she helps and rescues pokemon in need…what a role model ♥ look at...

▶︎ pokemon trainer suki and her starter rowlet

she wants to be the best pokemon ranger out there (and I’m definitely in her fan club, cheering her on every step of the way) she helps and rescues pokemon in need…what a role model ♥ look at them on twitter and instagram! Who did you pick as your alolan starter pokemon? I chose popplio ♥

▶︎ battle trainer : suki / sokka / zuko / toph / katara / aang / ty lee / mai / azula

has anyone written an atla pokemon au yet pls give me... links... pls....... not a quote operation sfa

so i know theres. PLENTY of dono/aid posts going around on tumblr but. my friend @cuzunderthesea really needs a laptop for school which he can't afford (see gofundme link), and any donations or signal boosts are a massive help ♥️

please donate if you can. and if you cant please rb! not a quote not atla

345k+ new cases of covid today in india!! in a single day!! twitter and instagram are our healthcare system rn!! we're short on icu beds, oxygen cylinders, covid vaccines and drugs!! we have no slots in incremation grounds to respectfully do the last rites needed for our dead!! patients are dying outside hospitals because there are!! no!! beds!! patients are dying inside ambulances!! and the states that are claiming to have enough resources rn are on their way to have a shortage of the same!! healthcare workers are being stretched thin!! we're all facing an acute mental health crisis rn!! meanwhile our central govt is doing too little too late!! after spending months doing election rallies and giving a green light to religious festivals (with hundreds of thousands of attendees) up until last week, they've finally decided to wake up and start paying attention to the covid crisis and it!! is!! not!! enough!!

if you would like to help, check out this publicly sourced document that is collating and constantly updating mutual aid fundraisers. please please amplify and donate to even any one of these causes!! especially people outside of india: your money matters! as of 24th april, 2021, 1 USD = 75 Indian rupees, 1 euro = 90 INR so your money is extremely valuable and it will save lives!

please please reblog im not in my country anymore i cannot go home and i am so devasted and guilty please donate. im begging you
““[ID: digital drawing of Suki and Toph from Avatar: the Last Airbender. They are sitting and behind them is a light blue and green background with clouds above. Suki is on the left and wears a blue kimono and dark blue hakama with two...

[ID: digital drawing of Suki and Toph from Avatar: the Last Airbender. They are sitting and behind them is a light blue and green background with clouds above. Suki is on the left and wears a blue kimono and dark blue hakama with two gold fans tucked in, looking at Toph with a smile. Toph is on the right wearing a green and yellow tunic, juggling grey rocks and smiling widely, eyes closed. End ID.]

underrated atla friendships, part ii - off-duty

~shippers dni~

yes literally so true bestie not a quote operation sfa