Radio is Alive — i think of this video once a week...

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i think of this video once a week



A man stands in front of the camera with the caption “A story time from when I was a girl” next to him and trans flags adorning the video.

“Ayo, let me give y’all a story time.
You know I’m transgender, I was born a girl I transitioned into a man but let me give y’all a story time from when I was a girl.

So, me and all my stud friends, we getting ready to go to this party we all dressed in all white. 
One of my friends decided like, ‘Ay y’all, let’s all wear our straps to the party.’
So we all dumb, ‘Aight, bet!’
So, we all wear it to the party.

We get to the party, it’s a basement party, back in the day, you know what I’m saying, so, nobody can really see.
So, this girl get to twerking on me, she feeling me, giving me her number, dadadadada (said to mean etc.)

We meet up after the party at her house, me and all my friends.
So, we all go into seperate rooms dadadadada.
So, we did what we had to do.

So, I ain’t talk to shawty for like, two and a half months and I get a random text from this number like, ‘Yeah, like I been trying to call you and talk to you.’
And I’m like, ‘For what?’ you know what I’m saying, [I’m trying to] ignore you, like, it was a one night thing.
She’s like, ‘Yeah, I’m pregnant and it’s your baby dadadadada…’
And I’m like, ‘Shawty, I’m a girl.’ and like, showing her pictures of like, what, me in a sports bra.
No, she like ‘No, that’s your sister I’m not stupid I know who I had sex with that night.’

Um, so, to this day I got a child out there.
Hey son-”