• palestinian culture isn't something for you to "consume". buying as many "palestinian themed" things as possible isn't being an ally. please focus on real life decolonization rather than being a performative ally. pay attention whether you are actually appreciating the culture or just consuming it for your own self interest and gain.

  • image

    9-1-1 (bruce springsteen series)
    — insp. x and x

    adam raised a cain, bruce springsteen // springsteen on broadway, bruce springsteen // springsteen on broadway, bruce springsteen // independence day, bruce springsteen // my father's house, bruce springsteen // something in the night, bruce springsteen // born to run, bruce springsteen // drive all night, bruce springsteen // born to run, bruce springsteen

  • Were gym classes required when you were in high school?

    Yes, we had to take gym every year and couldn't swap it out

    Some years it was required but other years it was optional

    No, gym was never a required class for me

    See Results

    Reblog with where you're from (USAmericans if you're willing to specify state too that would be great)

    I need to know if my suffering is just because my school district hates students or if it's a common thing