• virgin!lee chan x reader

    warnings: smut, penetrative sex, first time experience, clit stimulation, doggy style, ass slapping, guidance…

    chan was already inside you, thrusting slowly, his movements tentative yet filled with a growing confidence. his eyes met yours, and he suddenly blurted out, “i’ve never done this before.”

    you gasped, your body tensing around his cock. “why didn’t you tell me?” you asked between moans, trying to process his confession.

    he blushed, looking away. “i didn’t want you to think i was bad in bed.”

    you paused, panting slightly. “and the way you thought to handle that was not telling me?”

    he looked back at you, his expression a mix of embarrassment and sincerity. “i’m sorry.”

    you shook your head, smiling reassuringly. “don’t be sorry. just let me…” you trailed off, changing positions. you lowered your chest to the mattress, lifting your ass in the air. reaching behind you, you guided his wet cock back inside you, both of you moaning at the sensation.

    you glanced over your shoulder, giving him a devilish gaze. “look at me,” you commanded softly.

    chan’s eyes locked onto yours, mesmerized by the sight of your ass bouncing on him as he thrust in and out. his hips began to move more fluidly, his dancer’s grace coming into play, making you let out strangled moans.

    “slap me,” you whispered, your voice laced with desire.

    he hesitated for a moment before bringing his hand down on your ass, the sound sharp and thrilling. “harder,” you urged, and he complied, each slap sending waves of pleasure through you.

    “touch me,” you breathed.

    “where?” he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and eagerness to please.

    you made him pause, grabbing his hand and placing it on your clit, guiding him to circle it in the rhythm you liked. “here, just like this,” you instructed, feeling his fingers start to move in sync with your guidance.

    “continue,” you moaned, your face buried in the pillow, mouth open in pleasure, your eyes rolling back as he followed your lead.

    “yes, channie,” you encouraged, your voice thick with lust. “you’re doing so good. i love how you’re fucking my pussy, yes, yes, yes!”

    his movements became more confident, the rhythm perfect, driving you both closer to the edge. “you feel amazing,” he groaned, his voice trembling.

    “keep going,” you panted, your body trembling pathetically “don’t stop, just like that.”

    the room filled with the sounds of your mutual pleasure, his name a constant refrain on your lips. “chan, oh god, chan, yes!” you cried out, your climax building with each thrust and touch.

    he continued to follow your lead, his hips rolling into you, his fingers working your clit expertly. “i’m gonna cum,” he warned, his voice strained with effort.

    “do it,” you urged, your own release imminent. “cum inside me, chan.”

    with a final, deep thrust, he moaned your name, his release triggering yours. your body convulsed, your orgasm washing over you as you cream around his cock, his cock pulsing inside you. you both collapsed forward, breathless and satisfied, the afterglow settling in.

  • Posted 2 weeks ago on June 13, 2024
  • 234 notes
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      virgin!lee chan x reader...warnings: smut, penetrative sex, first time experience, clit...
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