

One of the biggest problems with archery is that arrows don’t fly straight!

But that also gives us an opportunity to exploit bow physics to do cool stuff!



This HAD to be on my blog.

Credit: theemidknight on TikTok

Reblogging this to make sure I didn’t hallucinate it




kshgfjghsf ACCURATE


I can’t even imagine people existing without medication or trauma. Like you just go through life without all this shit constantly kicking you in the brain??



me whenever i see /pos and /hj: why are you calling me a piece of shit and what do handjobs have to do with any of this :/





Also average tumblr user does not know what a chaser is (hint: it isn’t when you are attracted to trans women)

Chasers are people who will actively go after vulnerable groups of people to sexually exploit.

In the case of chasers who go after transfems, they are looking for transfems who are emotionally vulnerable and crave validation so they can manipulate them. At best they will treat transfems in seemingly nice ways (to fuck us). At worst they will treat us like a disposable sex object who should shut the fuck up when not in use. They disregard boundaries, they project transmisogynistic tropes onto the transfems they prey on, they exoticise transfems and will generally treat us like shit with just enough validation to keep them in the relationship.

Ultimately, a chaser is never even someone who is genuinely just attracted to transfems. Chasers mainly just see trans women as easy prey or as whatever fantasy they have from shitty porn and not as people.

Chaser is not a “haha funny meme word”. It’s a term for a type of predators and bigots.


No actually we don’t need to do that. We don’t need to “reclaim” a word that means sexual predator. We don’t need that. There is nothing to be gained from that. T4T attraction isn’t being a chaser. Framing it as that is harmful in that it encourages and normalises chasers and simultaneously stigmatises our attraction to each other. We don’t need to associate chasers with just being attracted to trans people. There is literally nothing to be gained from “reclaiming” this. Did you not fucking read the post above???





When Veilguard comes out, please keep it in the back of your mind every single time you interact with Varric and Lucanis that their writer got laid off with little to no warning and that she is and always will be a Dragon Age legend and one of the reasons why the franchise has stayed afloat for as long as it has

Now HERE is a good and valid reason to criticize Bioware/EA, and a really important story to share around while DA4 has the buzz it does!!!

Corporations need to be called out on their anti-worker bullshit regardless of the quality of the products they produce.

Hey so remember that this is one of the worst layoffs to ever happen because

  1. Bioware management denied to give the laid off workers the severance they were contractually obligated to give. They were entitled to one month’s pay for every year they worked at Bioware but were given far less than that (Mary Kirby specifically worked for Bioware for 17 years).
  2. The laid off Dragon Age devs are in this unique position unlike any other game developer. Since Veilguard isn’t out yet, they are still under the NDA and can’t share the work they’ve done on the game for their portfolio. Because Veilguard has been in development for 10 years, with none of them working on anything else, that essentially leaves a 10 year gap in their portfolio.

boycott Veilguard



Chicks like sleep deprived gamer girls with big eyebags right

I fuxking hope so its all i got




Shut the fuck up listen to the entire Miracle of Sound quadrilogy of original Elden Ring songs and appreciate their use of recurring leitmotifs

Oh you like Miracle of Sound’s leitmotifs? You need to listen to his entire discography, ESPECIALLY his other Soulsbourne series. <3


Oh this dude is on some Toby Fox shit huh

Gavin is super talented and has been putting out bangers for years. His Bayonetta 2 song is one of my favorites.