Category: Trees

Black Twig Borer

Black Twig Borer (Xylosandrus compactus) is a species of a scolytid beetle and is one of the few ambrosia beetles that will infest healthy or stressed plants. The adult beetle is solid black, shiny,...

Storm & Weather Damage

Landscape plants are often subject to damage caused by environmental stresses, including lightning, wind, snow or ice. It is important to know how and when to offer aid to a damaged plant to save...


Oaks (Quercus species) are important trees in South Carolina. The deciduous species are generally more common from the Midlands north, while the evergreens favor conditions in the Coastal Plains....

Bradford and Callery Pear

Every spring, all over South Carolina, we see yards, abandoned lots, natural areas, roadsides, and, in some cases, forests fill with white flowers. These first white flowers of the year are nearly...

Fertilizing Trees & Shrubs

Trees and shrubs are living investments that grow in value each year. The foundation of their longevity starts with selecting and siting adapted plants and proper planting. After the plants become...

Poda de Astromelias

La Astromelia es usada frecuentemente en los jardines por su larga y hermosa florecida en el verano. La razón de su popularidad va más allá de su belleza, la Astromelia es una planta muy fuerte en...

La forma correcta de plantar árboles

Cuando plantar Por lo general las plantas que se encuentran en contenedores, cepellones o en bolsas de plástico comúnmente llamadas plantas “B&B” están listas para ser cultivadas atreves de todo...

El Desmochado o “Topping Trees”

¿Qué es el Desmochado? El desmochado es una forma de poda indiscriminada la cual se corta las ramas por completo hasta llegar al tronco principal o a las ramas laterales. Comúnmente es usada para...

Elm Zigzag Sawfly

Introduction The elm zigzag sawfly, or EZS, (Aproceros leucopoda) is an invasive pest that defoliates native and nonnative elm (Ulmus) species. Originally from East Asia, this pest has affected elms...

Why Are My Trees Dying?

Clemson Extension Horticulture Agents get numerous questions this time of year about trees dying. There can be several factors that stress trees. In late summer, the most likely problem is related...

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