Znane problemy na Tumblrze

We do our best to address bugs on Tumblr as quickly as possible, but some problems take longer to fix. To make troubleshooting easier for our users, we’ll keep this list updated with the most common ongoing issues.

If you think you’re experiencing a bug, check for it on the list below. If your problem is mentioned here, we’re already aware of it, and our engineering team is on the case! 

You can follow our Changes blog to receive updates about bug fixes on Tumblr.

Platform-Wide Issues

Connectivity issues in Firefox

Some users are experiencing slow loading times and intermittent Network Protocol Violation errors when using Tumblr in Firefox. We’re looking into it!

Ghost notifications in Inbox

If you see notifications for unread messages or asks but there’s nothing there when you click to view them, it’s likely that you’ve received messages or asks from terminated, deleted, or spam accounts.

Ghost notifications in Activity

If you’ve received a notification from a terminated, deleted, or spam account, you might see a notification appear next to the Activity tab, even though the notification isn’t visible.

Spambots following accounts

Please make sure you report spam blogs to us directly so we can handle the issue as quickly as possible.

Incorrect number of notes on a post

If the number of notes doesn’t match up with the number of users listed, this is caused by notes from suspended or spam users.

Incorrect tag count on Archive pages

We’re troubleshooting a bug that can sometimes cause an incorrect tag count to appear on Archive pages.

Osadzenia Vimeo

Vimeo embeds may sometimes appear broken, or with a message that says „There’s nothing here.”

Tag search doesn’t display older results

We’re aware of some issues with pagination in tag search, where all results may occasionally not be displayed.

Unfollowing and refollowing a user

You may notice a user’s posts disappear from your feed if you unfollow and refollow them.

Unable to reply/comment on posts

If you’re unable to leave replies on any posts, including your own, please reach out to our support team for help.

Links beginning with at.tumblr.com can’t be opened in the mobile apps. If you click one of these links in the app, it will open in your web browser instead. If this is happening on your own post, you can edit the post and update the link to reference the regular Tumblr permalink instead.

Editor Issues

Can’t mention more than five users in a post

There’s a currently a bug in the post editor that is preventing users from mentioning more than five users in a post. If you mention more than five users, only the first five mentions will resolve after posting.

Tag auto-completion in the editor

You might see old or irrelevant tags be suggested, or tags you frequently use are not suggested.

Adding a link doesn’t make it clickable

In the meantime, you can edit the link to add the URL, which will make it clickable.

When saving a post, the last few characters in the paragraph are unformatted

This appears to happen randomly – we are researching exactly why.

iOS Issues

Messages Notification Bubble Missing

In the iOS app, we’re aware that the notification bubble no longer appears at bottom of the screen for messages, and we’re working on a fix.

Problems with images loading

In the iOS app, some users are occasionally unable to load images or GIFs, with an error that says „Tap to retry”.

On both the mobile app and on mobile web, some users are unable to load images, with a colored gradient appearing instead of the image. Closing the app and relaunching it sometimes helps.

Reblogging a liked post brings you back to the top

We’re aware of an issue where reblogging a post in your Likes will cause the page to jump back to the top, losing your place.

Long-pressing a tag doesn’t work for in-blog search

If you long-press a tag on a post, then select the option to search within that blog, you may see there are no results, when there are actually results that should be displayed.

Android Issues

Ads with auto-playing audio

We are aware of ads auto-playing audio in the Android app, sometimes quite loudly, and are working on a fix!

Problems with in-blog search 

Compared to when you search on the web, you may see different results for tag searches when searching within your blog.

Using foldable devices

Changing the orientation on a foldable device may cause your dashboard to refresh. 

Audio player requires notifications permission

We’re working on improving the audio player so that granting permission for notifications won’t be required.

Copying links for private posts

This option is missing in the Android app, but you can grab these links by accessing Tumblr in a mobile web browser.

Purchase-Related Issues

iOS Ad-Free Browsing Renewals

Some Ad-Free Browsing renewals are not going though. Please contact Support if that has happened to you.

Purchased badge not appearing on account

We’re working to prevent this from happening, but if you experience this, please reach out to our support team for help.

Blog appears like you’re logged out

Depending on your browser’s cookie-related features, settings or extensions (i.e. not allowing cross-site cookies), your blog may appear like you’re logged out if you are using a custom domain.


Search function doesn’t work on desktop web

The search box at the top right corner when you’re viewing a community currently isn’t functional. We’re working on getting that fixed soon!

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