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    pov: avatar aang has just misled you. pranked you. because he loves his wife too much

  • gurinpotte sent a message

    Hi! The kataang fandom seems to be growing this year and many of us new ppl don’t know how the ka ship week works precisely! Could you please tell us what the stages are?

    Thank you! 💕

  • Hey there! Here’s a link to our Kataang Week 2023 masterpost for reference.

    But for a general idea, we hold Kataang Week anually every end of July to early August. There will be 7 prompts usually (one per day) and a free day, and fans create content and post their works according to the scheduled prompt per day. We mix things up sometimes but that’s generally how things work.

    Around March-April, we start prompt submissions. Then April - May, we start votation to narrow down the prompts to the 7 or so we get for the year. We announce the final schedule early June and people get to work on the prompts. Then Kataang Week happens as I explained earlier.

    Hope this helps!

    -Mod Atarah

  • thank you!!

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    and they had height difference!

  • Kataang Week 2024's Round 1 Prompt Voting has begun!

    You can vote for your seven favorite prompts HERE.

    Thank you to everyone who submitted prompt ideas and shared the announcement post!  And please do not be discouraged if prompts you submitted or voted for get cut - as always, there will be a free day in addition to the seven main prompts.  This means you can use any of the prompts that were initially listed - or come up with your own ideas!  

    This round of voting will close at the end of the day on Tuesday, May 7th!

    Please reblog and spread the word!

    We are using a new system this year and no longer using SurveyMonkey or SurveyPlanet. We have switched to Google Forms. Please note the different interfaces.

    Prompts that were similar to each other have been combined, just separated with a slash. For example: Glow/Glowing. Some submissions were longer than the one to two words/short phrases limit, so those longer phrases were not accepted.

    In total, we had 142 prompts submitted and then consolidated into 115 prompts this year. Thanks again to everyone who submitted!

    - The Mods

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  • This potato works. Every. Fucking. Time.

  • Reblogging because it’s a damn potato and I want to encourage people to assume potatoes are magical.

  • Could use a little luck rn. Why not.

  • please shine your light upon me pretty potato

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    Kataang brainrot! 💕🌙

  • ok ngl I think this the closest I've come to shipping kataang....

  • serving my ship’s agenda 👆
    (thank you i take it as a great compliment!!)

  • hello kataangers i am writing another emotional infidelity kataang fic but with a slightly different prompt and in collaboration with @gurinpotte !!!

    here’s a wip!

  • The chemistry between them is palpable!!!!!

    Help!!!! 😭😭😭

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    Alright Kataangers, it’s that time of year again!  

    Kataang Week 2024 is tentatively scheduled for July 29th through August 5th!

    Thank you to all who shared and responded to the interest check! There was resounding support for holding Kataang Week again this year, as you can see from the results of the survey.


    And roughly 40 people (perhaps more, given the similar number of 'maybe' respondents) indicate they plan to create content for the week.


    Prompt Submission will be open for the next 2 weeks. So from today, April 4th until April 18th, please submit any prompts you would like to be in the running this year.  

    Please submit your ideas for prompts - 1 or 2 words/short phrases only! - through the survey linked hereAgain, the last day to submit prompts will be April 18th!

    And please reblog to help spread the word!

    As always, feel free to send us an ask if you have any questions or concerns.

    - The Mods

  • I think it needs to be reiterated: The Water Tribes weren’t colonized. Katara does not have “colonial trauma”, as one post suggests. The Water Tribes were never claimed by anyone else and were left completely alone besides The Fire Nation enacting genocide. If we are going to discuss “zutara colonization discourse”, then please do it right. Especially if y’all are gonna write long essays about it, given that all that time writing would end being partially for nothing since the thing you’re focusing on isn’t relevant to what anyone is saying.

  • I think it needs to be reiterated: The Water Tribes weren’t colonized.

    You have a very one dimensional way of thinking about colonisation. If you just google what the definition of colonisation is then you will get an answer that reflects settler colonialism (like we saw in the Earth Kingdom in A:TLA, real life examples include Hawai’i and Palestine) or exploitation colonialism (like we also saw in the Earth Kingdom real life examples include Congo and most other African countries).

    But if you engaged in any academic definitions or any post colonial classes (which I’m not going to fault you if you haven’t, because I don’t know your area of study or how old you are) then you will see that there are other definitions that are more thought out by academics. One of these definitions is:

    “Colonialism is a relationship of domination between an indigenous (or forcibly imported) majority and a minority of foreign invaders. The fundamental decision affecting the lives of the colonised people are made and implemented by the colonial rulers in pursuit of interests that are often defined in a distant metropolis. Rejecting cultural compromises with the colonised population, the colonisers are convinced of their own superiority and of their ordained mandate rule” (Osterhammel, Frisch, Tignor, 17-18).

    If we take this more thought out and researched definition of colonialism, then the Southern Water Tribe (SWT) was absolutely a victim of colonisation. It was dominated by foreign invaders (the Fire Nation (FN)), we saw this by the regular raids against the SWT and acts of violence committed against the indigenous population in order to subjugate them. Genocide (a decision made by the FN, the “foreign invaders”) was committed not only for the subjugation of the population, but also “in pursuit of interest” for the “distant metropolis” (FN) which was to kill all the waterbenders not only to weaken their population and army but also to ensure the cycle of the Avatar was stopped (the worlds last hope for peace).

    If you are still uncomfortable with the word “colonialism” to describe what happened to the SWT, because they were no settler colonies, then a word you might find more appropriate to use is “imperialism” which is described as:

    “a broad term that refers to economic, military, political domination that is achieved without significant permanent European settlement” (Kohn, 2006).

    Either way, whether you chose the word colonialism or imperialism, the SWT was definitely a victim of the FN and just to say they “weren’t colonised” to make your argument is a gross oversimplification.

    Katara does not have “colonial trauma”, as one post suggests.

    What a thing to say. Katara (and Sokka) absolutely do have “colonial trauma” which is described as:

    “a complex, continuous, collective, cumulative and compounding interaction of impacts related to the imposition of colonial policies and practices which continue to separate Indigenous Peoples from their land, languages, cultural practices, and one another” (Mitchell, Arseneau, Thomas, 75)

    Not only have they been ripped away from important parts of their culture, with the waterbenders being killed off, which we can see in Book 1 Episode 1, with Katara barely being able to waterbend and the following interaction she has with Sokka:

    Sokka: “Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?”

    Katara: “It's not "magic", it's waterbending! And it's-“

    Sokka: “Yeah, yeah, "an ancient art unique to our culture", blah, blah, blah.”

    With this interaction alone you can see that Katara has no idea how to control her waterbending and Sokka is so dismissive of it because he’s never seen it before despite it being an “ancient art unique to our culture” and Katara is trying her damned hardest, at 14 years old, to learn and keep that culture alive with seemingly nothing (no waterbending scrolls, text books, etc, indicating that the FN probably destroyed these in their raids), all on her own.

    This is not the only thing that points to “colonial trauma” but their mother dying and father leaving is, of course, a big one. They both carry trauma from this, and we see it throughout the whole show. Katara feeling guilty because of her mother dying, connecting her mothers death with the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, trying her hardest to keep her mothers memory alive. Sokka forgetting what his mother looks like, despite looking exactly like her, taking on his mothers role as “protector” of his sister and village at the age of 15.

    These are all trauma responses to colonial acts that the FN have committed or is a chain reaction to the FN’s brutal rule (their father leaving them and tasking them to take care of their village).

    So I think it is safe to say they have “colonial trauma”, despite the FN not having colonies in the SWT, their other actions are enough.

    The Water Tribes were never claimed by anyone else and were left completely alone besides The Fire Nation enacting genocide.

    wow. okay. so we’ve already established that no colonies were in the SWT, but that does not mean they were “left completely alone” and the fact you said “besides The Fire Nation enacting genocide” so flippantly, like that isn’t such a big thing that will cause generational trauma, physically change to a populations brain chemistry and just be all in all a devastating thing for a population to face is absolutely astounding.

    Yes, the FN did commit genocide and frequently did raids on the SWT, which is not ‘leaving them complete alone’. I don’t have much else to say on this, to be honest, but I’ll leave you with these images and think about how casually you dismissed genocide:

    The SWT 40 years into the war:


    The SWT 100 years into the war:


    The SWT 70 years after the war:


    If we are going to discuss “zutara colonization discourse”, then please do it right.

    I hope after this you can see that just because there were no FN settler colonies in the SWT that doesn’t mean they weren’t colonised, people who use the colonisation “argument” are not incorrect and they are often colonised people (I’m not saying this means all colonised people have the same opinions, we are not a monolith and there are absolutely people who have been colonised who ship zutara but that doesn’t make the people who disagree with the ship because of the implications any less relevant/important).

    I hope you are more open minded in the future and recognise the problems that could arise with the ship, I’m not saying people have to stop shipping them but maybe don’t get defensive over something that is factually correct and is written in the text of the show.

    Especially if y’all are gonna write long essays about it, given that all that time writing would end being partially for nothing since the thing you’re focusing on isn’t relevant to what anyone is saying.

    Again, I hope my “long essay” about this shows you how it is relevant to what is being discussed.

  • Yeah….literally colonization is claiming of land. Genocide is still very VERY trauma inducing and leaves large impact. No one’s denying that. But it’s just the wrong word to use.

    This isn’t even about zutara really.

    But anyways yeah I didn’t read all that. Hope you had fun there

  • yeah, I can tell you “didn’t read all that” considering I explained how colonialism isn’t just land theft but, anyway, there’s only so much I can say to a dumb dumb lmao.

  • Right….anyways have a great day

  • thanks, I hope you have a horrible day considering how much you dismissed genocide in your initial post !

  • Where did I dismiss genocide? I mentioned that. I think you just want to argue with someone

  • saying that the SWT was “completely left alone (wrong) besides the enacting of genocide” is a dismissive sentence and a crazy thing to “just” carve out.

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