Empower students to evaluate news sources, understand media bias, and think critically about current events in real time.
50,000+ News Sources
Real-Time Lateral Reading
Bias & Factuality Ratings
My News Bias Dashboard

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Ground News now offers institutional and enterprise subscriptions via LibraryUp, marking a partnership to promote media literacy on campuses and communities worldwide. Together, we provide educators with essential tools and resources to meet the increasing demand for media literacy education. Our collaboration empowers readers on and off campus to critically analyze news, identify biases, and explore multiple perspectives on complex issues.

For more information on institutional subscriptions, email [email protected] or visit https://www.libraryup.org/ground-news

Media Literacy Meets Experiential Learning

Today, it’s incredibly easy to share information but difficult to discern facts from opinions and falsehoods. Misinformation, disinformation, fake news and propaganda are not new, but the pace at which they can spread is unprecedented. These modern challenges require modern tools to meet the moment.

Ground News is a first-of-its-kind platform that uses experiential learning to teach students how to assess news coverage in real time.
Real time lateral reading

Practice Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is a strategy that encourages students to leave the news source they are reading to see what other digital sources say about it. Ground News makes this easy by gathering related articles in one place alongside useful information like the source’s Wikipedia page and Factuality Score. With a simple click or swipe, students can practice verification skills, see what details are prioritized and compare word choice and tone. They can also filter articles by bias, factuality, time or location to get a better sense of the bigger picture.
Check media bias and credibility

Understand Media Bias & Factuality

Every article on Ground News is accompanied by a bias and factuality rating system derived from independent news monitoring organizations like All Sides, Ad Fontes Media, and Media Bias/Fact Check. Knowing the bias of a media outlet can help students understand how and why a story is being framed a certain way, while the factuality rating provides insight into the reporting practices of the publication.

Ground News does not fact-check or assess the bias of individual articles. The reality is, fact-checking is very difficult to do in real time at scale. That’s why it’s important to empower students to practice critical thinking and discernment by comparing coverage.
News hidden by polarization

See Polarization in Action

The Blindspot feature highlights stories that are receiving lopsided coverage. This is a great way to talk about polarization, algorithms, and newsworthiness. What stories do media outlets choose to cover and why? How does this impact newsreaders?

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Clickbait, polarization, echo chambers and filter bubbles - these can be difficult concepts to understand. With My News Bias, students can see them in action. This powerful tool highlights key details about their reading habits. How factual are their sources? Who owns them? Do they have any news blindspots? It’s a great way to engage with news literacy on a deeper level.

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Educators who love Ground News
In the modern context, we’re constantly trying to teach our students to have some discernment around what they’re reading. Ground News gives you real-time stories that are married to a graphic representation of how sources across the political spectrum are reporting on the issue. I especially like the Blindspot feature - being able to show stories that may not be something students would have seen in their Facebook feed or on Instagram or wherever they’re getting their news."
Mike Wells, MLISLibrary Director / Copyright Officer
The Benedictine Library Crestview Hills, Kentucky
The thing I love most about Ground News is that it makes it easy to stay informed about what both sides of the political aisle are talking about at any given moment. In our day of constantly changing news cycles that vary depending on your news bubble, Ground News is such a helpful tool - that window into the news headlines from multiple perspectives is revolutionary."
Kristin SchnererHigh School Social Studies Teacher
Start High School, Toledo, Ohio
Ground News has given my students new ways to explore their world. They are excited to understand news bias in a more critical way with vocabulary and explanation from an expert and more objective point of view. Ground News helped my students have productive conversations about critical issues with their families when they struggled to see eye-to-eye before; it also helped them talk about what shapes their opinions with their friends. I'm grateful for Ground News because it helps my students engage media literacy outside of class."
Daniel CobleAssistant Professor of English
Corning Community College
Why is Media Literacy Important? Media literacy has become a popular topic, and it’s not hard to see why. We live in an information ecosystem that incentivises speed of delivery over accuracy. We learn about current events on platforms that use algorithms to decide what information we should have access to. And many news publications have decided to embrace a position on the political spectrum that appeals to specific consumers as opposed to offering diverse perspectives.

Media literacy is a set of skills that can help students think critically about the media they consume, create, and distribute so they can be well-rounded, informed citizens.
Meeting students where they are with practical tools.
Get in touch with the Ground
Education Team
Learn more about how Ground News fits into any media literacy program