Jun 21, 2024

today's vetted fundraisers. eid just began - instead of a happy time of togetherness and celebration, families like these are having to spend the holy days amidst the cruelest of circumstances, deprived of all components of safe and healthy life. now is a more vital time than ever to support these campaigns. any contribution you can make is valuable.

june 16th:

if the list seems extra long today, take it as a signal that your help, in whatever form you can give, is urgently needed.

Jun 21, 2024


I'm Ahmed Alanqer, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza🇵🇸❤️, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.

- Yamen❤️


- Eileen❤️


- Zeina❤️


- My Beautiful Family


Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah.

- My Home Before The Nightmarish War



- The House After..


- Tent-life



The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.

Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.

Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️

Vetted by: @nabulsi

Me and My family extend our heartfelt thanks❤️❤️❤️ to everyone who contributed, donated, and shared the post.

Your help was immensely valuable in saving our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



Jun 21, 2024


🚨Help my family and I to evacuate Gaza and stay safe.

‎‏Hello, I'm Samira from northern Gaza.

‎‏My family, consisting of seven members, and I are currently displaced Rafah area in the south .

‎‏We are now in a small tent, very scattered, with no safe place, and my elderly parents need medical treatment, which we cannot afford.

‎‏We only have unhealthy food. Everything we had was destroyed by the occupation, My family’s home and my job.

We no longer have hope for living a safe and happy life. After losing hope, intense frustration, and great sadness as a family who hopes that we live in healthier environment and a life we deserve , we decided to leave our country and travel to start our life from scratch outside Gaza so that we can live a happy and safe life so we can ensure secure future with a happy life in which there are no wars, hunger, fear, displacement, and heartbreak.

However, I will not be able to do that without your assistance and support. Don’t make escaping from Gaza impossible

Every dontation will help me and my family to survive.

Jun 20, 2024

The siege and lack of nutrition in Gaza are destroying the bodies of our children, Muhammad and Sham

Especially after the tightening of the siege and the closure of the crossings

Our children suffer from malnutrition and a health disaster

All aspects of life have become difficult for them, especially education, as they are at the most important stage in their lives in terms of establishing a foundation in learning.

And Joseph was born in a tent and in difficult and harsh circumstances

His mother moves from one place to another during the last months of pregnancy

Youssef was born, and relief has not yet come to Gaza, as they are still suffering from lack of nutrition and all the necessities of life


Jun 19, 2024



I am Tamer Al-Deeb, a Palestinian dentist from Gaza.

[Picture of Tamer before the war in his clinic]


I have hesitated and delayed for a long time to write these words and create an account on GoFundMe, but the need has become very urgent due to what I see of death approaching myself and my family.

To begin our story, it is important to introduce my family, who are the core of my existence and the source of my strength during these turbulent times:

We are a family of four suffering for over 9 months from a brutal war that spares neither humans nor stones.

Mother: The Heart of Our Home

My mother embodies generosity and kindness as a devoted homemaker, always prioritizing her family's well-being. Her unwavering love remains our sanctuary amidst the chaos.

Father: The Pillar of Strength

My father, Majed, a dedicated professor, faced the destruction of the university he served. Despite this, his commitment to education and society remains unshaken.

Brother: A Beacon of Healing

My brother, Mohammad, a compassionate doctor, confronts the challenges of healthcare amidst dwindling supplies and occupation brutality, showcasing remarkable dedication to healing.

Tamer: A Dream Deferred

As for myself, Tamer, I was on the verge of a new beginning, with aspirations to further my career in Germany. I had saved thousands of dollars for the mandatory block account to support my stay abroad. However, the conflict has not only shattered my professional dreams but also consumed what didn't burn of my savings, compelling me to fight for my family's survival amidst the escalating costs of basic human necessities.

[Picture of the family before the war]


I have lost the lives of my dearest friends, neighbors, and much of what I loved.

We have lost our home with all its dreams and memories. A five-floor house completely leveled to the ground!!

[Pictures of the destroyed house]



I lost my clinic, my only source of livelihood.

[picture of the clinic]


My neighborhood .

[picture of the destroyed neighborhood]


Since the beginning of the war, we were forced to flee our home in the north of the Gaza Strip to the supposed safe area in the south. But unfortunately, this was just the beginning. We have been displaced four times in the same southern area, fleeing from death always surrounding us.

Initially, we fled to a school belonging to the UNRWA in the Nuseirat camp until we were forced to move to another area, and the Maghazi camp was the intended destination. Then a UNRWA school, where we were residing in a tent inside, was targeted, killing 7 civilians. We were forced to flee again to a tent in Rafah, but the scarcity of clean water and the spread of epidemics and diseases forced us to flee again to a UNRWA school in the Deir Al-Balah area until now.

UNRWA has been providing refuge to hundreds of displaced families for the past six months at schools that have become vital community hubs, offering shelter to thousands of individuals trapped in the southern region.

Women and children sleep inside classrooms, and the men sleep outside in tents set up in the courtyard. Rainstorms recently have flooded our tents, and it's very difficult to take care of our basic needs.

[Pictures of Tamer after the war in the UNRWA school and his tent]



I am currently volunteering at Al-Aqsa Hospital, assisting in the maxillofacial surgery department. However, a sense of helplessness and despair often overwhelms me. It's hard to put into words the horrors and injuries I witness daily. Surrounded by the shroud of death and the cries of the wounded, I feel powerless. "I want to save you, I want you to live," I often think, "I will do everything in my power to make it happen!" Sadly, many times, they become part of the countless casualties from my homeland. The shortages in food, water, and medical supplies are dire, to the extent that we sometimes perform surgeries without anesthesia. The suffering is unimaginable.

Now we hope to escape death, we hope for the end of the war, we hope to leave the Gaza Strip, and we hope to live a decent life away from bombing, occupation, and destruction.

It has been 9 months of hell and horror. This genocide has been too long to bear, and our mental health and lives are in constant danger. (I can’t describe enough what I have been dealing with daily in the hospitals for the past days. We have reached a point where there is no hope left for us here in Gaza, where we are unfortunately just waiting for our turn to die, and even if there is a ceasefire, the destruction in Gaza is beyond prompt repair

Evacuation fees are expensive, especially now that I have no source of income. Once we can evacuate, your donations will cover our travel expenses and help us get immediate support in Egypt. There will be meal expenses, wardrobe expenses, emergency expenses, etc., but no generous contribution will go to waste.

To cross the “Rafah” Gaza-Egypt Borders, you need to have your name listed in the Crossing List (paid permit), and coordinators in Egypt who have the power to add my family’s names to the list at the border are now asking for anywhere from $6-8,000 per PERSON! They will not add the names until we can prove we have the money ready.

I ask for your help because this is not just my battle alone, but a battle in which we seek your helping hand to survive and preserve our families. Any donation, big or small, will have a huge impact on the lives of my family and me. I am grateful to everyone who donates, and I will remain grateful forever for giving hope and opportunity to me and my family to survive and build a better future.

Thank you for reading my story. For sharing my story with your friends and family. I hope, there is a ceasefire, and we can get the rest and safety we deserve to build our lives all over again. ❤️

Tamer Al-Deeb

Our campaign is vetted by :

- @ibtisams 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @90-ghost 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @el-shab-hussein 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @fairuzfan 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @palestinegenocide 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @sar-soor 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @vakarians-babe 🫶🇵🇸 : Click here

- @el-shab-hussein 🫶🇵🇸& @nabulsi 🫶🇵🇸 on Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List Number [ 191 ] : Click here

Jun 18, 2024

Verified Palestinian gofundme’s Masterlist

Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here’s a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk

I will also be making individual posts for most of these

Keep reading

these are vetted, please don't hesitate to share and donate

Removing from under the cut for safekeeping:

Help Khaled and his family escape Gaza

Help lara and abdalla Family to be safe in Gaza

Emergency: Help Ibrahim's Family Find Safety - $50 is 500kr

HELP Ezzideen & his Family to EVACUATE Gaza

Your help is the only hope to save us from war.

Hope : Help Little Elen Fetch a brighter Future

Help Aseel’s family evacuate from Gaza.

EMERGENCY: HELP evacuate Bashar from Gaza

Help Mohammad Hammad evacuate his family from Gaza

Help Madleen's Family From Gaza

Help Jehad Evacute From Gaza

Help a med student & his family evacuate to safety

Help Fadi's Family Rebuild Their Life Amidst Crisis

Help Us Safely Evacuate a family from Gaza

Help child with Cerebral Palsy evacuate

Protect an open source engineer and his family

Help Bring Ayah’s Family in Gaza to Safety

Call to Action: Keep Gazas Talent Alive

Help Belal and His Family Escape the War in Gaza

Urgent Rescue Mission for the Mortaja Family

Save my family from the war in Gaza

Urgent: Help Evacuate My Family From Gaza War

Urgent help to evacuate my family out of Gaza

Help evacuate Safi’s family from Gaza in warfare

emergency : Help Support the Khalaf Family in Gaza

Help AbdulAziz and his family

Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer

Help my family rebuild home und evacuate Gaza

Please Help Me Evacuate My Children To Safety

Escape From War Nightmare: Support Gazan Family

Help my family in Gaza

Salaam Animal Care, find a safe home for animals

URGENT HELP help my family to evacuate Gaza

Help me & my Family Evacuate from Gaza

Urgent Appeal for Support: Help a Photographer

Help Jana's Family Find Refuge and Peace

Help me to save my family from the war in Gaza

Help evacuate my brother and his family from Gaza

Urgent apeal to help Elzomar family leave Gaza immediately

Help my mum to travel to a safe place

Help Afnan to find safety and to complete her education

Support getting Linda and her family out of Gaza

Support Mohammed and His Family Affected by the Gaza War

Help Ala's Family Overcome Crisis in Gaza

Freedom and home repair for Aesha an family

Help us evacuate and rebuild what's left of our lives

Help Tamer and his Family in Gaza!

Help my family escape death and reunite with me.

Help me and my family escape the Genocide in Gaza

Help rebuild Ahmed's family life in Gaza .

Emergency : Saving My Mother and only brother From War Zone

Rescue Mahmoud's Family: A Call to Escape Gaza's Devastation

Help Mohammed & His Family To Safety

Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip

Urgent Appeal: Help Save Ruba & Muhammad in Gaza!

Urgent help to evacuate my family from Gaza

Help Alia's family and their children get out of Gaza

Urgent Appeal: Save Little Yusuf and His Family Amidst Gaza

Support My Family Escape War in Gaza

Help me get my family out to safety

Help my family out of Gaza

Help me get my family out to safety

Help my children and family from the Gaza war !!

Please Help Evacuate Fadi's Family from Gaza

URGENT: Help Hayam and her Family Escape the Genocide

For what remained in us من أجل ما تبقى فينا

Please Help Restore The Sharifs home & Help Leave A War Zone

Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt

Help Mahmoud’s family evacuate from Gaza

Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza

Fatima’s Journey to Restore Artistry in Gaza

My family under fire, help them evacuate Gaza.

Help me to evacuate from the genocide

Help Mahmoud to evacuate from Gaza to continue education

Help my family evacuate from Gaza

Help Sana’a and her family evacuate from Gaza

Haytham needs your help to support his family

Help my family survive and evacuate from Gaza

Help me rebuild a shelter for my family in Rafah

HelpYoussef and his family get out of Gaza for a better life

Let my family be safe and live in peace!

Relief Appeal: Secure Evacuation from Gaza War

Please Help Tahani save her children and husband

Urgent Help Appeal: exit the war of Gaza"

Help My Family Get Out Of Gaza

Vegetables, food, and water for Palestinian families

HELP Muhammad evacuate his family out of GAZA

Secure a Safe Future for Youssef’s Family - Act now

Support My Journey to a New Start

Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt

Help Me and my Family to evacuate from Gaza ASAP

Saving My Family from the Horrors of War in Gaza

Help the Allahawani family escape genocide

URGENT - Help Azzam evacuate his family from Gaza

help my children get out of gaza safely

Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza

Help Safaa secure her children‘s lives after war

Help Kareem get his family from Gaza to safety

Help Karim and his family get to a safe place

Jun 11, 2024

I am Tahani El-Shorbaje, my husband is Wissam El-Shorbaje, and I have 3 children, l am from in Gaza🇵🇸🍉,

I lost my job because of this genocide, I studied chemistry and digital marketing and was working at the university as an assistant professor and I lost my chance to be, they destroyed all universiries in Gaza. And I dont have any choise unless start everything from zero.

Would you kindly consider sharing my campaign with your network? Your contribuation mean the world to me❤️‍🩹

Its the final hope for me and for my future after I lost everything I have!

My whatsapp Number is +970599727178 feel free to msg me there, I am looking to connect new people and happy to talk about my work and about the situation here.

LINK: https://www.gofundme.com/f/i-have-nothing-left-my-home-and-workplace-have-be?

My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tahani_marketing?igsh=MXVheTJwdjF1c252Ng==

Best regards,

Tahani shorbaje

#palestine#free palestine#gaza#israel#free gaza#gaza strip#genocide#ethnic cleansing#from the river to the sea palestine will be free#gazaunderattack#dragon age attack#palestinian genocide#all eyes on

@el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @jayflrt @good-old-gossip @lambsonburn@sunclownsblog @selamat-linting @girlinafairytale @ragingbullmode @theneutral-zone @thevalaxy @opencommunion @seafoamwoman @emathyst9 @three-croissants

#glittertumblers #custom #tumblersofinstagram #handmade #smallbusiness #personalizedtumblers #customtumbler #mugs #love #cups #gifts #glittertumblersofinstagram #custommade #personalizedgifts #tumblercustom #glittertumbler #shopsmall #gift #customcups #coffee #starbucks #personalized #design #supportsmallbusiness #tumblerstarbucks #giftideasALT
Jun 10, 2024

Hello, how are you? I am Ruba from north Gaza and this is my story. Can you help me and share?

By helping us, you will save our lives and you will save my family…


Please help me 😢🙏🏻🍉

To my followers! Ruba’s blog has been deleted by staff. Please follow her new one!

And Please remember to keep sharing Ruba’s fundraiser. And donate if you can. They’re still very far from their goal.

Jun 10, 2024


Have you ever experienced seeing your dream broken in front of your eyes and not being able to do anything about it? Have you ever thought about living in a tent in a cold and unclean ocean, sleeping on the sand, without a bathroom or water? Have you thought about living in a place where you can’t meet your family’s basic needs and feel helpless about it?

I am Shahd from the southern Gaza Strip. All my life, I have been building a life for me and my family. It persisted in a good future, when the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. We were in extreme fear during the displacement, and found ourselves in an insufficient small tent. Despite the lack of safety, food, clean water and the spread of diseases, we had to live this difficult life under bombardment, knowing that at any moment, my family and I could lose our lives

My whole life has been scattered, and I am extremely frustrated and sad by the ongoing genocide I witness every day

Do you understand what it means to be in a situation where you have been displaced over and over again, just to reach the only supposed safe area that I ordered you to go to by a much stronger force than you as an unarmed civilian, just to be told that you can’t be there anymore? After you lose everything, like your home, your memories, your friends, your family and loved ones, your job, and everything you have worked hard to achieve...

Amid these hardships, I see a glimmer of hope, because I haven’t given up yet.

If you know of any organizations, associations or entrepreneurs who support and fund projects, please do not hesitate to share my association with them.

They can also contact me directly.

I know that the path to success after destruction can be difficult, but with your help and support for me and my family

Jun 10, 2024

I am consumed by fear that my mother might die in Gaza while I am far away, unable to help her. The thought of her suffering alone in such a dangerous place breaks my heart. I feel so helpless and terrified, knowing I can't be there to protect her or bring her to safety. Every day is filled with anxiety and dread, as I hope and pray for her survival amidst the chaos.


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