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this mob psycho shit gets serious



Have I changed?




Day 6 - ???

Mob Week already ended but school has been kicking my ass up until that point, so I'm gonna do the prompts late and backwards 🫡

An interaction between Emi and Mob. The two are pictured outside, dressed in their school uniforms and carrying their bookbags over their shoulders. In the first scene, Emi tackles Mob, yelling, “Happy birthday mob!” In the next scene, Emi is seen hugging Mob. Mob says bashfully, “Emi! You remembered?” On the lowest scene, Emi is still hugging Mob as she says, “Of course I did, you little goober! I even made you a present.” Mob says, shocked, “You did?”ALT
An interaction between Emi and Mob. The two are pictured outside, dressed in their school uniforms and carrying their bookbags over their shoulders. In the first panel, Emi pulls something out of her book bag as she tells Mob, “Yep! It’s right here!” A piece of paper is taken out. Emi states, “Tadah! It’s a poem!” Mob looks at it with interest, saying, “Woaw, an entire poem!”ALT
An interaction between Emi and Mob. The two are pictured outside in an open field, dressed in their school uniforms and carrying their bookbags over their shoulders. In the first scene, Emi holds out a piece of paper with writing in front of her. Facing Mob, she tells him, “Allow me to recite. AHEM!!” The next scene shows Mob levitating Emi’s torn pages together in a big psychic pile as EMI watches behind him. The text reads, “I’ll always remember the day you put my book back together.”ALT
The comic shows Emi’s green eyeball and Mob levitating pieces of a torn page. The first panel is the green eyeball. In the reflection of the pupil are bits of a torn page. The words read, “As I watched the pages fly to me, I knew our friendship was meant to be.” The next panel shows mob carefully putting back together a sheet of paper using psychic magic. The glow of the man’s blue, purple, and pink aura fills the field he is in. On the bottom of the page are a row of books.ALT
A series of memories between Emi and Mob. In the first, Emi and Mob are out on an open field. Emi is reading from her book and Mob looks over her shoulder. The text reads “You never judge.” The next panel is grouped together. They both show close ups of Mob and Emi. In the top image, Emi tells Mob that she never loved him and that she asked him out for a bet. In the bottom image, Mob tells Emi that is fine. The text reads, “You always. Forgive. You’ve truly taught me what it means to live.” In the last panel, Emi is in her room sat over at her desk, dressed in a white and blue striped shirt, writing.ALT
An interaction between Emi and Mob. The two are pictured outside, dressed in their school uniforms and carrying their bookbags over their shoulders. In the first panel, Dimple creeps up behind Mob and says, “There you are, Shigeo, I was looking-“ He is cut off by mob shushing him. In the next scene, Emi tells Mob, “You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever known,” as she is pictured in front of bubbles. In the next panel, Emi is pictured in front of a sun scenery. She says happily, “I want to follow your example in tow.”ALT
An interaction between Emi and Mob. The two are pictured outside, dressed in their school uniforms and carrying their bookbags over their shoulders. In the first panel, Emi hands Mob her poem. The text reads “ It’s your birthday now, so I give you this letter.” The next panel shows mob admit a pink background and confetti holding his poem. The text says, “Happy birthday, Mob! Next year, I’ll write you one better”ALT
The comic depicts Mob and Dimple. Dimple is first seen in a polka dotted panel telling Mob, “That was so corn-“ but he cuts himself off when he see’s Mob tearing up. Aghast, he yells, “Shigeo!?!?”ALT

Happy birthday Mob! This was for Emimob week 2024! Pretty cool.

✿  Mob Psycho 100 Seasons 1-2  ✿

so I watched mob psycho 100 for the very first time recently, and it quickly became one of my fave anime 😌 so here’s some cleaned up sketches of the main goofs, because I like them a lot


A mask of my own face.

I’d wear that.