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About Frnkiebby!


(homemade frimage by @yourteethonmythroat )

Name: Lex/Lexifer or I mean, Frnkiebby works too.

Age: 30 y/o

Pronouns: They/He

Time Zone: EST/UTC-5

Main Blog: @lactosegremlin (i follow and like from there)

MCR Discord 18+

Playlist from me to my FellowWhores:

Ever Evolving Tumblr Playlist:

3 Faves:

-Cucumber sandwiches

-My dumbfuck of a cat Bernie ‘Beast-Mode Cowboy’ Sanders



3 NOT Faves:

-Asshole people (seriously, get fucked)

-Pickles and olives

-Weather over 75f/24c

3 Franks that are me:


Blurb About Me:

Keep reading

Pinned Post guess i’ll finally get around to doing something like this 🤷🏻 about me meet the blogger frnkiebby frank iero mcr frnkiero frnkie mcrmy mcr5 my chemical romance my chem Frnkiebby’s FellowWhores Spotify

insanityinabigcloaktrynaacthuman asked:

oh my god im sorry the anon hate is so funny this is literally so fucking unserious 😭😭

« dO yOu ThInK tHiS iS a JoKe????? » girl youre on tumblr we’re all clowns here everything is a joke bruh

also your blog is like super normal too? i cant imagine what they would say if they discovered the deaddove blogs lolz

anyways here is my favourite frimage in their honor


UGH bloody frank in a fridge 🫠

lbr here bloody frank in general jesus fucking christ.

and honestly??? like i’m not gonna give them the space in my brain to cry over it so i might as well laugh about it ykwim?

but yeah imo they’re better off losing their mind over my blog if it means they haven’t gotten to the deaddove blogs~🎃

(pls have my fave LM frimage/gif in return)

christ pls leathermouth frank bloody frank i am trying to eat dinner pls dinner is much more interesting now insanityinabigcloaktrynaacthuman

Anonymous asked:

i like ur blog, it's a sideblog designated specifically to a shared love of frank and it shows me that adults can still be cool and love things

thank you 😭😭

it really does exist to be able to just scream with other people about frank and sometimes other music shit.

someone pls take me out if i ever become the type of adult that is dour and grey and flat.~🎃

upsetti spaghetti anon is a BLI/nd plant i think i think that’s it tbh thank you though anon really it’s actually always been a fear of mine that i’d turn out like my mom and just loose all life when i became a functioning adult in society frnkiebby anon frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance

oddvanilla asked:

Honestly as far as I can remember this is the SECOND time you get anon hate with my presence 😭😭 TWO WHOLE TIMES?? HELLO??? and it's all about "dude you're 30 stop acting like a kid!!😡😡" Like omfg you're not 40, you're not old enough to have a teenage kid and be done with life💀💀 the only time I got anon hate was something that goes "kys. Nobody likes you." Which in all honesty was SO FUNNY?? I would never Kms even if I was going through the toughest time, I won't even THINK about it😭 anon hate is such a joke. Like, if you want me to quit, give me a reason. Say I offended you or your community. Be respectful. Don't just go "oh youre 30 and have things you enjoy, go end yourself you freak." That' each their own I guess, but you're NOT getting anywhere in life with that attitude 😭 I thought you have to be nicer to people online,, but doing the opposite makes me think how worse you are of a person irl??

PS,, keep making fun of anon haters. Giving them no reply will make them think youre weak. But also don't give in to their thoughts and act like they're right. Stand against EVERYTHING they stand for. After all, you live once, so might as well fuel their anger instead of letting them win🤷‍♀️

oh 100%

99.9% of my anons are sweet darlings screaming about frank or my music recc anons and i love it.

that 0.01% that consists of like i think? 5 in total? rude anons are honestly a blip on the radar. like i’ll respond to them bc if they went to the trouble of sending me an ask then i’ll at least let them know they were heard but like?? it’s not gonna ruin my day AT ALL. and it’s definitely not gonna impact my mental health. i’ve come too far to let that happen.

i already exist out of spite so they can join the group of those i live to spite~🎃

ily you’re a peach it’s funny tho bc my sister just turned 33 and my niece will be 14 lmao so like. i guess i COULD be old enough to have a teen child but thank everything holy THAT will never happen lmfao besides my sister is totally still a whore and has two very well adjusted kids even though my niece is my carbon copy i actually legitimately feel bad for my sister having to to deal with teenage me all over again frnkiebby oddvanilla frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance

puppyboymikeyway asked:

Don't listen to any shitty anons on here. People wanna pick fights because they have nothing better to do with their boring, shitty lives. Keep lusting over Frank, good sir 👍👍

oh that is definitely the fucking plan.

i mean look at this pretty fucker??~🎃

pls i love him and i promise im completely unbothered by my dear upsetti spaghetti anon baffled for sure but totally unbothered frnkiebby puppyboymikeyway frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance frnkiero my chem frnkie mcr5 ilhsm

demolitionghosts asked:

What was fhat anon so mad about?? youre actually amazing bcuz i wouldnt have handled that calmly as you did and i respect you for it 🙏🙏

i think the entirety of my blog or the premise thereof? idk it was so out of the blue that i couldn’t even fathom a specific instance that triggered the message tbh.

i really appreciate that 😭😭 i do actually try to be nice even when im, idfk it felt like scolding?? bc no one deserves me tearing them apart ykwim????~🎃

frnkiebby demolitionghosts upsetti spaghetti anon frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance

Anonymous asked:

Youre not funny. You think youre all that dont you?? Youre actually so pathetic to be acting like a kid at your age, responding to my ask like im some joke to you?

I’m gonna be real fuckin’ honest with you babydoll.

If you wanted to voice your opinion on my blog/life/mental stability and be taken seriously, then you wouldn’t/shouldn’t have laced it with insults so as to degrade me.

Your ask is a joke. This ask is a joke.

Do I think that you’re a joke? That your existence, life, or opinion is a joke?

No. because I’m a kind human being who values other humans, their opinions, and their right to express them in a safe space that I’m more than happy to provide.

I respect people who voice their opinion intelligently and in such a way that shows they respect me as a human being. I respect people who can do that whether or not I share their opinion.

I don’t respect you. I value you because you’re a living breathing person, but with your first ask and especially with this ask, there is no part of me that respects you.

do better.~🎃

being 30 doesn’t preclude me from having a sense of humor being 30 doesn’t preclude me from getting a kick out of rude anons being 30 doesn’t preclude me from having a blog and screaming about some hot guitarist i’ve lived and survived in this hell scape of a world for three whole ass decades you’re not even close to the worst person i’ve dealt with and you’re not going to even come close to the worst person i’ll have to deal with in my life nor will you stop me from enjoying what i enjoy frnkiebby anon upsetti spaghetti anon frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance frnkiero my chem frnkie

idiotmaggot asked:

Why do your posts never come up on my dash anymore I'm crying

it’s entirely possible that it’s because i’ve been irregular as all fuck 😬😬😬 it’s been a busy couple weeks~🎃

(have some franks!!)

i’m working on queueing up the next few days so i can get back into the swing of things i have nothing big planned for another few months so that’s good 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 frnkiebby idiotmaggot frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance frnkiero my chem frnkie

c4td0g asked:

🐶 not even a frank hoe but calling an attractive celebrity beautiful gorgeous pretty etc doesn't threaten the foundation of his marriage especially because you're not in his life or stalking him or doing creepy shit wtf anon are you good????

right???? im thoroughly staying in my corner and not interfering in his or his family/friend’s lives. i’m just screaming about how pretty he is~🎃

frnkiebby c4td0g frank iero mcr mcrmy my chemical romance frnkiero my chem frnkie