Preferring hard liberty over the easy yoke — Using the bathroom in general is a human right and...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Using the bathroom in general is a human right and should be enshrined as such and I'm not joking. Too many groups of people are denied bathroom breaks or the use of bathrooms entirely--disabled people, blue-collar workers, children, homeless people, prisoners, students, the elderly. I'm surely missing other groups. Not using the bathroom when needed can cause serious, long-term damage, not to mention death. Free, clean, accessible bathrooms should be available everywhere. It's fucking cruel to deny someone the use of the bathroom, regardless of the reasoning. I'd rather every student in the world goof off and every homeless person make a mess and every worker "steal company time" than let one person suffer because they're denied the right to fucking pee in peace.


As someone who once had a school who tried to restrict bathroom breaks – due to apparent goofing off during classes – all it took for them to immediately change course was one super pissed off mom. Yes, my mom heard that, and charged right into the office to “have a word” with the principal, even going so far as asking to speak to the superintendent.

And let me tell you, it honestly takes that. People getting pissed and upset enough that people realize it’s not “just a small issue.” That it’s a human right and basic need that everyone should be able to do, with no stupid restrictions or paywall. If you think people shouldn’t be allowed to have free access and accommodations to bathrooms (making more bathrooms disabled friendly for example), then idk what to say besides please honestly rethink that mindset.

Everyone uses the bathroom, and everyone should have a bathroom to use.