
Bird is not the safeword


21 / transfemme / minors dni / may have occasional 🔞 posts

I just think it would be funny to switch things up and lead with "popular far-right online blogger, Joan Rowling" once in awhile.

"Joan Rowling, most famous for her staunch opposition to equal rights through her popular Twitter blog"

"Long time advocate against women's rights, Joan Rowling."

"Joan Rowling, a major contributor to the conservative party"


crushing: you saw a trans person out in the wild and you weren't fagging it up enough for them to notice you

You dont find people by being idle lol, talk to them.


Staff have done their best to hide this post, OP's blog has been deleted to hide it. Spread this post as much as you can (ideally through screenshots to avoid it being nuked)





With all respect for the Borg (and I have a lot), if you need to tell people that their resistance is futile, it's probably not.

Pretty much exactly one year ago, I predicted Ai would be as relevant as crypto, NFTs and the metaverse in one year.

Seems like I was off by a few months, but we're definitely getting there.

We already reached the "Only scammers are really using it." Stage, and yes, tech giants fall under my definition of scammers.


Being a Percy Jackson fan is funny because like I’ll be asked “why do you know so much about greek mythology?” and now I have to tell the story of the 12 year old boy who fought Kronos while telling me his stories like Rick telling his sons


If there's anything I've learned about the D&D fandom over the past couple of years, they hate rules heavy systems that require you to read hundreds of pages, they think combat and roleplaying are opposites and prefer roleplay to combat, and they think if you demonstrate system mastery (i.e. know the rules) you should be beaten to death with sticks.

Which is to say that the D&D fandom doesn't actually like D&D as it exists in the books.


you are 16. you are talking with a gay man in his 50s or 60s, a friend, huge and gentle with a scarf and short fluffy curls of gray hair, who has directed you in two plays staged in your mid-size artsy town. (he has not yet asked you to be in his production of The Laramie Project which will change your life. this conversation will also change your life.)

he is talking about theatre. he is talking about theatre when he was younger. he says, "of course, it was AIDS then." in the pause, you ask him. clumsy and quiet and 16 and "straight," you ask him. what was it like.

he takes a moment in which his face is not like a person's face. "there was a time," he says, "i'm not sure how long, years. when i went to a funeral every weekend." he tells you about two funerals in a day, and choosing between friends when you couldn't make it to both. he does not look at you, he looks at them. his wet grey gaze is so clear that you start to see ghosts. it will be years before you understand why it feels like your grief too. why the ghosts call you family.

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