You were my Friend

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Hello! I'm Ms. Maxine Input! I'm an aspiring twitch streamer! I generally stream Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 12:00 pm mst. I typically go live about 10-15 minutes beforehand (11:45 am mst) to give people time to show up before the stream actually starts.

I may also have impromptu streams from time to time, depending on how I'm feeling

My current stream music playlist is the Zelda & Chill video by GameChops.

I also have a vods channel on youtube! It's a little bare bones at the moment, but I'll be updating and improving it over time, along with the rest of this stuff!

Pinned Post updated links hehe this is me btw ms input streams maxine streams

I think being born with no empathy but having cognitive empathy can be compared to being born without the notion of what fear is.

People who are born without the capacity of feeling fear wouldn't be afraid of someone holding a knife against their neck, they don't know what the sensation of fear is. But even though they can't feel fear, they can recognize that that is a threatening situation. They can't feel fear as a motivation to run or to do something about it, but rationally they know that they should run or do something about it.

It's the same with empathy. I might not be able to actually feel what you feel, but rationally i can understand it, and i can choose to be a good person if i want to, cause even though i cannot feel, i can think, and i can make my decisions rationally.


this is the best way i've seen it explained


If we were in an alternate universe episode, how would your character design convey to the audience that you were the evil version of yourself?


Hair color changed to brunette


Visible scars probably on the face

It’s you but you dress slutty


It's me, but in a business suit.


Yeah same. If you ever see me in a tie, feel free to attack them, as that's not me: That's something pretending to be me.

(I mean, I'm also something pretending to be me, but I've got a more legitimate claim on it, I think)

business suit as well; but if were restricted to just poll options than its gotta be goatee

It is actually insane how much untagged nsfw content is posted on this site

I've had my account since before the 2018 purge, during which time I followed several people who would regularly reblog porn that was nearly always tagged. I rarely encountered anything risque on here that I did not expect to see, because I always had to click the "this post is filtered for the tags #nsfw, see post?" button myself

Since the ban, nobody tags porn because to do so would lead to the poster or reblogger getting deleted - which for a nonzero amount of them would lead to a loss of livelihood

I have seen adult bloggers on here put banners at the end of their posts that say "do not tag as NSFW, do not apply a community label"

I think the 2018 ban made it Less safe to navigate this website as a minor, despite being the explicit reason for the ban in the first place

I don't have a solution to this, I certainly don't think people should stop posting adult content on here, but it would be nice if the system changed to stop punishing people who appropriately tagged their content


Not to mention the fucking blazed porn, which even when tagged or labeled, will still show up on your dash

It is actually insane how much untagged nsfw content is posted on this site

I’ve had my account since before the 2018 purge, during which time I followed several people who would regularly reblog porn that was nearly always tagged. I rarely encountered anything risque on here that I did not expect to see, because I always had to click the “this post is filtered for the tags #nsfw, see post?” button myself

Since the ban, nobody tags porn because to do so would lead to the poster or reblogger getting deleted - which for a nonzero amount of them would lead to a loss of livelihood

I have seen adult bloggers on here put banners at the end of their posts that say “do not tag as NSFW, do not apply a community label”

I think the 2018 ban made it Less safe to navigate this website as a minor, despite being the explicit reason for the ban in the first place

I don’t have a solution to this, I certainly don’t think people should stop posting adult content on here, but it would be nice if the system changed to stop punishing people who appropriately tagged their content

i think tagging spoilers has gone down a good bit too? thats probably unrelated though