Dear programmers, I’m asked to learn audio mixing and sound design for a game in UE5. so far i’ve learned about the attenuation and occlusion settings which are pretty straight forward for me. However, when it comes to mixing audio im used to have a visual mixing board (as in Cubase, reaper, fruityloops among others) with groups and sub groups, with easy drop-in plugins. Is that hidden somewhere in UE5?

The reason i ask this is, i want a simple EQ boost on my footsteps queue when i run and when i sneak i need the steps to be muffled.

For my walking queue i have 6 wave-players with a randomizer node linked to the output node. These are the normal walking sounds and that works fine as is. For the sprint queue i have the same 6 sounds, randomizer to the output. While i can drop in different audio nodes between the randomizer and the output-node, like attenuation, delay, doppler among others, there is no EQ-node/Filter? It seems so simple that im afraid i missed something here.

to contemplate my question is 2 fold;

  • is there a visual mixing console/faders with groups and subgroups?
  • Is there an EQ node to place between the footstep randomizer and output to boost certain frequencies?

Thanks in advance!

Hey there, welcome to Unreal audio !

Currently there is no “DAW style” mixer. mixing is done with visual scripting and by applying various parameter settings, such as the Attenuation and Concurrency you’ve already met.

In UE5 you should use MetaSounds instead of SoundCues.

In a MetaSound graph you’ll find several filter nodes you can configure to your needs, or in a MetaSound’s “Source” tab add an EQ Source Effect Preset.

I will add a screenshot here to show what I mean, but do google these topics, there are some good tutorials out there.