auth:import and auth:export

  • The auth:import command imports user accounts into Firebase projects.

  • The auth:export command exports user accounts to JSON and CSV files.

Password hash parameters

To determine the password hash parameters used for your project navigate to the Authentication > Users section of the Firebase console and click the three dots icon above the list of users. You will see a dialog with a list of password hash parameters you can use with the auth:import and auth:export commands:

hash_config {
  algorithm: SCRYPT,
  base64_signer_key: <...sensitive...>,
  base64_salt_separator: <...sensitive...>,
  rounds: 8,
  mem_cost: 14,

These values are sensitive, so store them with care. Most Firebase projects use SCRYPT, a modified version of the scrypt hashing algorithm, which is the default for new projects.


firebase auth:import ACCOUNT_FILE    \
    --hash-algo=HASH_ALGORITHM         \
    --hash-key=KEY                     \
    --salt-separator=SALT_SEPARATOR    \
    --rounds=ROUNDS                    \
    --mem-cost=MEM_COST                \
    --parallelization=PARALLELIZATION  \
    --block-size=BLOCK_SIZE            \
    --dk-len=DK_LEN                    \
account_file The CSV or JSON file that contains the user accounts to import. See File format.
hash-algo The algorithm used to hash passwords in the user account file.
Required to import accounts with password fields. One of the following values: BCRYPT, SCRYPT, STANDARD_SCRYPT, HMAC_SHA512, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA1, HMAC_MD5, MD5, SHA512, SHA256, SHA1, PBKDF_SHA1, PBKDF2_SHA256.
hash-key Key used to hash passwords.
Required for the SCRYPT, HMAC_SHA512, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA1, and HMAC_MD5 algorithms. This argument must be formatted as a base64-encoded string.
salt-separator Salt separator which will be appended to salt when verifying password.
Optional for all algorithms. This argument must be formatted as a base64-encoded string.
rounds The number of rounds used to hash passwords.
Required for the SCRYPT, MD5, SHA512, SHA256, SHA1, PBKDF_SHA1 and PBKDF2_SHA256 algorithms.
mem-cost This parameter represents either the memory cost required for the SCRYPT algorithm OR the CPU/memory cost required for the STANDARD_SCRYPT algorithm.
parallelization The parallelization of the hashing algorithm.
Required for the STANDARD_SCRYPT algorithm.
block-size The block size (normally is 8) of the hashing algorithm.
Required for the STANDARD_SCRYPT algorithm.
dk-len The derived key length of the hashing algorithm.
Required for the STANDARD_SCRYPT algorithm.
hash-input-order The order of password and salt.
Possible values are SALT_FIRST and PASSWORD_FIRST. This flag applies to SHA512, SHA256, SHA1, MD5, HMAC_SHA512, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA1, and HMAC_MD5.


firebase auth:export ACCOUNT_FILE --format=FILE_FORMAT
account_file The CSV or JSON file to export to. See File format.
file_format Optional. The file format to export: either CSV or JSON.
If the file name specified in the account_file parameter ends with .csv or .json, that format is used and this parameter is ignored.

File format

The user account file can be formatted as CSV or JSON.


A CSV user account file has the following format:

Column number Field description Field type Comments
1 UID String Required
This ID should be unique among all accounts in your Firebase projects. If you import an account with a UID that already exists, then the account will be overwritten.
2 Email String Optional
3 Email Verified Boolean Optional
4 Password Hash String Optional
A base64 encoded string. This field requires the caller to have Editor or Owner role.
5 Password Salt String Optional
A base64 encoded string. This field requires the caller to have Editor or Owner role.
6 Name String Optional
7 Photo URL String Optional
8 Google ID String Optional
9 Google Email String Optional
10 Google Display Name String Optional
11 Google Photo URL String Optional
12 Facebook ID String Optional
13 Facebook Email String Optional
14 Facebook Display Name String Optional
15 Facebook Photo URL String Optional
16 Twitter ID String Optional
17 Twitter Email String Optional
18 Twitter Display Name String Optional
19 Twitter Photo URL String Optional
20 GitHub ID String Optional
21 GitHub Email String Optional
22 GitHub Display Name String Optional
23 GitHub Photo URL String Optional
24 User Creation Time Long Optional
Epoch Unix Timestamp in milliseconds.
25 Last Sign-In Time Long Optional
Epoch Unix Timestamp in milliseconds.
26 Phone Number String Optional

If you leave an optional value unspecified, ensure that you still include an empty field for the value. An empty field can be any number of space characters.

For example, the following line represents a user account:

111, [email protected], false, Jlf7onfLbzqPNFP/1pqhx6fQF/w=, c2FsdC0x, Test User,, , , , , 123, [email protected], Test FB User,, , , , , , , , , 1486324027000, 1486324027000


A JSON user account file has the following format:

  "users": [
      "localId": UID,
      "email": EMAIL_ADDRESS
      "emailVerified": EMAIL_VERIFIED,
      "passwordHash": BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD_HASH,
      "displayName": NAME,
      "photoUrl": PHOTO_URL,
      "createdAt": CREATED_AT_IN_MILLIS,
      "lastSignedInAt": LAST_SIGNEDIN_AT_IN_MILLIS,
      "phoneNumber": PHONE_NUMBER
      "providerUserInfo": [
          "providerId": PROVIDER_ID,
          "rawId": PROVIDER_UID,
          "email":  PROVIDER_EMAIL,
          "displayName": PROVIDER_NAME,
          "photoUrl": PROVIDER_PHOTO_URL

Replace PROVIDER_ID with one of the following values:
