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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes today as the jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to an adult film actress who said the two had sex.

However, we must refrain from perpetuating the “historic conviction no one is above the law in the greatest country on earth” narrative.

Let’s remember that he has become the first convicted felon among a lineup of war criminals, mass murderers, rapists, and slavers. Their crimes have included enabling genocide, setting up torture sites, invading other countries, exploiting the global south, ethically cleansing indigenous people etc. Of course, Trump is also guilty of several of these crimes.

A glaringly obvious recent example is Dick Cheney - and his team - not being prosecuted for lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. We were all expected to just move on from that lie.

The fact that the first ever Presidential conviction is over hush money to cover a sex scandal is not at all surprising however, it is revealing.


I heard a commentator say “this proves that we’re a nation of laws.” Um, no. It proves that New York is a state of laws. The USA has done precisely nothing to address his crimes, even when those crimes are directly against the USA, like theft of classified documents and violence in Congress.

every president is a criminal trump is just the only one to actually get convicted of anything in a criminal court

They’ll never do a Hitman level set in a Furry Convention because gamers would absolutely ruin it but imagine. like the target isn’t a furry he just owns a hotel that happens to have one every year but you can disguise yourself in a fursuit and some guy will ask you “what species is your sona” and 47 would be like “a wolf. i always felt a connection with…hunters.” and then diana would be like “let’s see if you can sniff out some information, furrty-seven” and then he comes to my house and kills me for writing this



ok but imagine being the fursuit artist that he contracts to make his costume tho

He contacts you via an anonymous email and is very exacting and precise in his request. Money is no object, which isn't uncommon in your line of business, you're a professional and more than a few customers have been in the 1% range.

So you ask if he's local so you can meet and take measurements and he says no but he will meet you at (conveniently close local craft store) tomorrow after work (you did not mention where you live)

You're a little shaken but you meet him anyways because daddy needs to pay rent, and he's probably not a serial killer, right?


You had no idea what kind of person to expect, but a 6'2 bald white guy built like a fucken shit-brickhouse with a "FurCon2023" shirt wrapped around his brolic frame was rather on the shorter end of your list. His cargo shorts and pure white sneakers looked like they'd just been picked up off of the shelf and his glasses looked too small for his massive head.

You jump because you don't even notice him until he's tapping you on the shoulder and introducing himself. How did he know it was you?? Alarm bells are going off everywhere but there's cameras all over, he wouldn't try something in public right?? You take his measurements and look at fabrics together.

You ask about his fursona and he very seriously produces a laminated folder with several crudely drawn pictures of a polar bear suit. Well, you guess you shouldn't be mean, they were clearly drawn from references but you could tell this was someone who did not draw often. It didn't even have any accessories, it was just a normal polar bear... But the notes surrounding them were so neat they looked printed! And so in depth! There was one page solely dedicated to the visibility needs, with advanced notes on the camera and display system he wanted in the head. You'd only seen this sort of thing at the national cons, just who the hell was this guy??

You haltingly ask him if he was sure. You tell him this is really advanced stuff and he was looking at at LEAST 10k with all the specific modifications on it. When you first started making suits you would have never been this firm on pricing, lowballing and trying to make up the difference so as not to upset the customer with a hefty price, but you'd learned eventually that undervaluing your work was a waste of your time and effort so even though you couldn't gauge his reaction, you figured being upfront about the price would at least be a test to see how serious the guy was.

He nodded silently and reached into the fanny pack around his waist to produce the cleanest stack of hundreds you'd ever seen in your life, like straight printed from the treasury mint. He places it in your palm and you almost drop it out of shock.

"Will this be enough to get you started? I included some extra to compensate for lost wages as I do need this suit fairly quickly" he says, tone unreadable.

You stammer and try to look professional thumbing through the crisply banded notes and would you look at that, you think this will do just fine!

He nods again, shakes your hand and leaves without another word.

You exit the store, just trying to comprehend what in the hell you'd just gotten yourself into, zoning out so hard that you didn't even realize someone was yelling at you until the word "-fuckin furry faggot" pierced through your thoughts. You were looking at your phone so you didn't notice the band of truck bros creeping up behind you in their suped up pickup truck. There were three or four in the bed of the truck, dangling out over the side in between giant "TRUMP 2024" and "Lets Go Brandon" flags. They have their phones out, recording you and shouting slurs.

You raise double birds at them and turn to walk quickly in the opposite way, hoping you wouldn't see them as you walked home. You'd heard of a couple beatings happening locally and you didn't want to be around if that's what they had in mind.

So when you hear tires screeching and and engine roaring behind you, you break out into a run, hoping to make it to the bus terminal across the parking lot.

But they catch up to you before you'd made it halfway. They all get out and one grabs your phone that you held out to record with. He smashes it on the ground and shoves you into the pavement. Hard.

They all stand over you, jeering and laughing and you try to escape but your limbs won't listen to you. You always figured if something like this happened you'd stand your ground, maybe get in a couple of hits yourself, but in reality you could barely breathe and your chest felt like it was collapsing in on itself, so your attempts to scream for help end up coming out as breathy wheezes. One of them levels a crowbar at you and thats when the screaming starts.

You curl up into a ball to protect your face but the pain never comes. You hear screaming and sneakers skidding across asphalt and oh god, wet crunchy impacts followed by something warm and wet being splattered across your arms and legs.

Its suddenly silent except for the drone of the truck engine but eventually you crack open an eye to get a look around, and for the second time that day you almost lose your lunch.

Its straight up something out of a video game, just absolute carnage surrounds you. All of the tall frat bros are out cold in varying stages of fucked up. You do actually start to hurl a little when you see one with his nose completely sideways like a gory Picasso.

And in the center of the carnage is -no fucking way- your fucking fursuit client, calmly wiping his hands of the blood with some baby wipes from his fannypack.

He looks over at you when he sees you're up and for a second there you see something, a slip in the mask, something angry, something violent. You flinch as you realize it, but oh fuck, this guys like.. killed people before. like, for fucken sure.

He walks towards you and you suddenly feel like a very small animal being stalked by a tiger. You try to stumble away but the mask is back on and he just looks down at you and offers you a babywipe.

"You alright?" He asks plainly.

Turns out the guy is "ex-military" and he hurt himself so he's back in the states and bored out of his mind. His daughter is a furry and wanted him to go with her to FurCon and insisted he get a suit as well. You keep on glancing at all the deep scars running up and down his arms and wondering how the hell you didn't see it before.

He's saying something to you but you only snap out of it when a phone is being placed into your hands. You look up and suddenly you're standing outside your apartment building (did you tell him where you lived???)

"This is a secure line, if anything happens to you or you have questions, I'll answer immediately." He says, pale blue eyes drilling into your skull with their intensity.

The tears start bubbling up in your eyes before you can stop them and you just lean forward, bumping your head into his chest and choking out a thank you as you clutch the phone to your chest like an amulet.

As you figured, his body is make out of steel and he stiffens at the contact, unsure of what to do.

He just lets you cry it out for a bit before eventually placing a heavy hand on your shoulder, pulling you off but he keeps the hand gentle.

He's not looking at you this time but he clears his throat and murmurs a quick "Take care" before turning around and disappearing into the night. You unlock your door and collapse into bed.

"What the fuck" you murmur to yourself as you pull out your tablet, and you start to sketch...


I dunno what I expected to find when I logged into tumblr today. Certainly not Hitman furry con fanfic. But I did. And it was glorious.





Plastic rocks and fabric monster, my beloved~


My favorite practical effect ever. 😏

The alien mother – called a Horta – was played by stuntman and actor Janos Prohaska using a costume that he created. Indeed, it was Prohaska himself who inspired the story for this episode when, reportedly, he crawled into the Star Trek production offices while wearing a version of it and showed it dropping an egg.


I heard/read another version where he placed a chicken (like, a dead, plucked, ready to cook chicken but I don’t recall whether raw or cooked) on the floor, wriggled the Horta over it, then wriggled away leaving a stripped chicken carcass in its place.


genuinely this website is horrible. every few days they totally nuke another random popular trans girl who has never ever broken a rule, and everybody but trans girls shut up about it and forgets immediately. like HELLO???? Charlottan was banned for literally NO REASON why am i not seeing hammer car explosion 2??? why are the majority of TME people just ignoring that trans girls are absolutely being specifically targeted for removal with no excuse??? does nobody else care any more????


In 2022, Tumblr settled with the New York City Commission on Human Rights over discrimination allegations involving moderation disproportionately affecting LGBTQ+ users.

The NYC Commission on Human Rights has a form for reporting discrimination. I'm sure they would love to hear that Tumblr is continuing the discriminatory behavior. They don't know what's going on unless we tell them. Administrative work like reporting these things is how we turn anger into activism. File a report if you have time. Let's get the ball rolling on fixing this site.


These users are keeping track of who's been terminated so we have some hard evidence.


Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?

regret rates




talking points


you problem




modern invention


unethical experiments




think of the children


side effects




making sense








this rocks




For those who still don't get it, this is a metaphor for being trans.


There are people who don't get it? I thought this was too on the nose