Fashion Spotlight: Fiona Frills16-year-old beauty, fashion, and lifestyle influencer and entrepreneur Fiona Frills launched her YouTube channel at the age of 10, and has since amassed over 1 Million followers. At the age of 13, Fiona decided to turn...

Fashion Spotlight: Fiona Frills

16-year-old beauty, fashion, and lifestyle influencer and entrepreneur Fiona Frills launched her YouTube channel at the age of 10, and has since amassed over 1 Million followers. At the age of 13, Fiona decided to turn her obsession with makeup into a beauty brand and began developing her own makeup and skincare line, Frilliance. She personally formulated and designed all the products in the line. She is also a model and actress, appearing on Disney Channel’s GameOn and several national commercials. Fiona took the time to answer some questions. Check it out:

What inspired you to create your own makeup line?

I know firsthand what it’s like to have teenage skin and regular breakouts. And, I love and have always loved all things makeup. When I started breaking out with pimples, I decided to research makeup ingredients to see if that could be the problem. I found that so many products use ingredients that cause acne and pimples or make them worse! That’s when the light bulb went off and I decided to make the products that I couldn’t find - clean, natural products that won’t irritate your skin or cause acne.

What do you never leave the house without?

I hate to say this but my I can’t leave the house without my iPhone!  

If you could only use one type of makeup for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

That’s tough. It’s between lip gloss, mascara, and concealer. If I had to pick one, I would pick lip gloss - it can double for a glossy eyeshadow or even rosy up my cheeks!

Can you describe the process of creating your own makeup line?

The first products I decided to create are my daily essentials - lip gloss, highlighter, blush, facial mist and a serum. These are the basics for any teen wanting a natural look and to get that amazing dewey glow.

I started from scratch and formulated my makeup and skincare line for what I call “teen-prone” skin, a kinder way to say “acne-prone” skin. I worked closely with my lab to create makeup products that are natural and work best for sensitive skin. All of my products are non-comedogenic (won’t clog your pores!), cruelty-free/animal-friendly (I love animals!), hypoallergenic (won’t bother sensitive skin), fragrance-free (ideal for all skin types), free of parabens, phthalates, SLS, mineral oil, and petroleum. It was a long process but loved creating this line so much.

The last part was coming up with a name. My YouTube channel and all my social media is Fiona Frills. One day I was doing some schoolwork and the word brilliance came up and somehow I saw Frilliance! Brilliance with and F. It stuck with me and I love that even the spell checker wants to correct Frilliance to Brilliance. The name Frilliance reminds me to create products that highlight the brilliance all teens already have.

Do you have a favorite video or tutorial that you’ve ever made?

My Living Like Billie Eilish For A Day video! It was a full transformation - hair, clothes, makeup! For this video, I really stepped out of my comfort zone and it actually had a lasting effect on me and how I feel about myself - it gave me more confidence.

Who would be your dream person to collab with?

Probably not a surprise, but I would love to do a collaboration with Billie Eilish. She is such an inspiration for teens. I love that she is very raw and open, she is even open about her Tourettes. I have learning challenges because of my amblyopia and she inspires me to be more open about that too.

If you could take a masterclass on any subject, what would you learn and who would you want to teach you (e.g. a cooking class with Gordon Ramsay)?

A business and beauty industry course by Kylie Jenner & Kris Jenner.

Lighting round! Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.

Who are you: Spontaneous. 

What you value most: Happiness 

Food item: Taki’s because they are spicy and unexpected.

What’s next for you? 

Expanding my makeup and skincare brand and continuing to inspire more gen Z'ers with my YouTube channel and helping them find their passion to go for it!