neo's Information
>> ask >> neocities
i draw stuff sometimes. you can call me neo or eyeless. prolific drawer of bunnies. occasionally complex and colorful paintings. but mostly bunnies.

neo's Posts



“afternoon on the train” has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I’m selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I’m not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can’t believe it’s almost at 10k! I’m a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)

7 out of 8 prints left! Shoot me a dm if you are interested!!

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    7 out of 8 prints left! Shoot me a dm if you are interested!!
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