Objects of Desire — would solve a lot of problems i bet

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

it's a comic about doctor who!  the title reads "DOCTOR WHO BUT THE DOCTOR KEEPS UP WITH THE FAN THEORIES"  the 15th doctor looks pensive and says "hmm the tardis has been making funny sounds... better check twitter"ALT
the doctor checks his phone and sees a tweet from june 8th that says "just clocked that the tardis groaning sounds a bit like the sound from pyramids of mars when sutekh appears in the console room!!"ALT
the doctor points to his phone and says "hey guys i think the wonky tardis thing might have something to do with sutekh"  in the background we see the tardis, wherein sutekh is thinking "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"ALT

would solve a lot of problems i bet