Objects of Desire

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I'm just saying that I've never been a fan of "this character is X, I don't make the rules" even if it's a trait that overlaps with my headcanon or personal identity, it always makes me uncomfortable, maybe bc the long stupid history of headcanon policing I've had to deal with

Instead what I'll say is "this story would be markedly improved if this character was X"

Anyway, Charles Xavier should've been trans, it'd genuinely improve the movie a lot and solve the poorly handled "is passing privilege a thing" with a MUCH more nuanced and interesting "the needs of some people in this group are not universal to the entire group"


ur right.

Here's a post for the autistic people who can't relate to the "autism is a difference, not a disability" movement at all. The nonverbal autistic people. The autistic people who need help with basic self care like eating, going to the bathroom, getting dressed and showering. The autistic people who need full-time supervision to stay safe. To the autistic people who can't go places alone or can't go places at all. To the autistic people who can't help having violent meltdowns. To the autistic people who don't understand social interaction at all. To the autistic people who'll never be able to study, work or live alone. To the autistic people who have to follow a very strict routine to function. You're all an important and valuable part of the autistic community. You don't deserve to be ignored, excluded or sacrificed in the name of a more palatable image of what it means to be autistic


anti rpf people are so funny they're always like "how would you feel if people shipped you with your friend" i don't know how to break it to you but if i was famous and no one was writing fanfiction about me i would be devastated. i wouldn't feel like i made it until i could search my name on ao3 and find 10k+ explicit results. peace and love though

I would love to be shipped with my friends cause I’m a freak. if u don’t get it u don’t get it.