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A70D is my main tag for my OC universe!

(I may draw some of my OCs in crossover/AU material; may choose not to tag it as A70D if the AU strays particularly far)

hey all! been using tumblr (casually) for a while now, but decided to start putting my art on here

i do have a personal account on this site, feel free to drop by in DMs and ask. always looking for fellow art mutuals >:)

feel free to ask me about anything, especially art related things! i enjoy sharing my knowledge


not art



really excited to announce i’ll be selling physical merch for the very first time tomorrow, at cutie fest in downtown seattle (washington, USA) from 12-7 PM! i’ll be tabling with advancing husky artistry (our vendor name). we are on bell street, between the intersections with 2nd/3rd!

i know this is super late notice but if anyone’s in the area it’d be so cool to see you stop by!!

i plan to also open my etsy shop sometime within the next couple months, for those who are not close by! stay tuned :)

check out my friend's stuff :) i helped color correct those prints!


Silesse Heritor Sets Sixth Consecutive PB in Super Mario 64

Having successfully destroyed every single enemy soldier with a weapon that would be an above average soldier on its own even without a wielder, the supposed-to-be heir to Silesse has found a new pastime in a more modern world.


Pictured: Ced Gaming™. Image provided by @spaghetti-trash

While he should, all reason and logic, be putting his efforts towards restoration for the kingdom of Silesse in a time of peace, quirks of space-time have instead exchanged his responsibilities with the capability to perform Super Mario 64 (1996) 16 star speedruns. What whim of fate permitted this is unknown, but he has taken to the challenge all the same. He has consecutively beaten his personal best and is already landing times only slightly above 15 minutes.

His allies, similarly displaced, were approached for comment. One from Lord Leif claimed he should consider streaming his attempts, additionally noting the potential for sponsorships from products such as Stamina Drink.

More to come as the speedrunning community debates whether Forseti blood is an illegitimate advantage or not following evaluation of his input speeds and general dexterity. Further reports will follow of quick movements resulting in injuries from the Nintendo 64’s control stick.

(for @errantsquam as part of FE Artscuffle 2024)

LMAO look at my boy!! fe4 fe4 modern au He's perfect thank you

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk