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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

okay so im a girl and i love the idea of drag and i would love to get into the drag king scene. what do you think of it? like do you think its disrespectful to drag culture? (i got in an argument with my friend about this so yeah haha)

How can drag kings be disrespectful to drag culture when they have been such an important part of it? From Harlem in the 1920s to Murray Hill of today, drag kings have been a mighty voice for drag.

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ohthehorror32 asked:

So I saw the makeover of that guy you did at Buzzfeed, my question is is it easier for you to do our own makeup or someone else’s??? Love you lots and happy bday!!!

Thank you love. Doing your own makeup and doing someone else’s makeup are two TOTALLY different ball games, but I highly recommend doing both, because you learn so much from each experience.

answertime rpdr miz cracker mizcrackerAT

figbot-deactivated20221107 asked:

How old were you when you first discovered drag? And was it an instantaneous “I want to do that”, or did the idea take a while to develop?

I was in my senior year of high school when I first discovered drag. And I was immeditately drawn to what I saw in the pictures of Nan Goldin. But I did not have any desire to do drag myself until Bob the Drag Queen put me in drag.

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vivianemae asked:

What's your after gig routine? How do you perform self care on a day off? Thank you for speaking up about the fact that you are not confident and are working towards loving yourself, and are still a hilarious, thoughtful, talented, fierce queen who has so much to give to the drag/club/performance/comedy/social justice communities.

Baby thank you! I don’t have days off so I don’t do self care lol. Self care is doing what I love 24/7, and I love drag. As for my after gig routine, I take off my makeup while jamming a Dominos Pizza from the fridge down my throat lol.


Originally posted by everybody-loves-to-eat

answertime mizcrackerAT miz cracker ru paul's drag race rpdr