Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/157

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NO. 2



��inmaR ave'mat ha'ctuna'c.du'nia

my child she not know anything that she will do.

ave'mat tot'ut'u'a' avicicto'o'hot'

She not know to grind. She lazy.

pero apimtic.a - 'pn6'it kuha'pu.pimi'soi'da But ye if well see then thus ye will suffer.

kuaviam.hactu.dam ku.i'nimd

Then not anything over. That here

napimitaivago'gu napimitcr'wa.uMta't.-

that ye did already halt that ye did already*

r'bwimda napimita'cihu't'ua

yourselves tire that ye did already stumble

napimit'atumko'k'dat ho'.gamih&wan

that ye did already yourselves sicken. That there

a'piambi'ak'a 1 hactu.da'koD

thou not wilt need 1 anything with

napimha'cum.a' 'ka api''ak'a

that ye any will think. Ye not will need

hactuda'kot napimsa'sa'kida

anything with that ye will weep

navar.o'ra'dakam namaritgo"korak

which is inwardness that they are our manes.

ku'amihovan ha''cup.ta-n ha - 'gicdara Then there thus I also beg pardon

wo'puhimdam namaritgo"korak ago'kip-- before go on that they are our manes two parts*

dor na-pima-rma'Mraf navaritcr'G'

from. That ye are his children who is our Father,

iD'a't itci'u'k ha'pu.pwi'c

our Mother, our Morning Star. Thus

a'mi.dor amiboiamda'giuna navaric.- there-from they hither you will cleanse which is*

dadik - am navarumxi'komak'h&'kot' 2

health which is thy cloud with 2

��namgamaitumto'gicda that they thee will cause to see.

��namivo'pmiGda That they will raise

��nvaricda-'dikam navarumu"umi

which is health which are thy ceremonial arrows

1 Possibly error for apimiam-, YE NOT, as in next line.

1 The use of the second person singular in these lines is quite puzzling.

��nam.h&'koD.gamaiumwo'ctirrda navaric- that they with from thee will repulse which is*

ko'k'dakam aric'i'kcrr nava'rto'tvakwo'pta sickness is vicinity which is skies beneath.

kuha'ban'dor namivo'p-micda ho"kia Then which-from that they will raise so many

ma'mcim ahi'komak' na' appearances their cloud that they selves will*

a - 'rgida ku.a'mimSdoT go'kpan.puto'gia form. Then there-from two places will see

navar.h6'kia ma'Mcim hi'kom.or

which are so many appearances cloud within.

ku. a'mi.dor nam.ho"k6D.puvatuda'giuna

Then there-from that they with already will cleanse

navaraxi'komak navarada-'dic

which is their cloud which is their health

navarava"utak - kugaku a'bi.mSdor

which is their drizzle. Then therefore there-from

apimictunha-'gicd-a porke i'nimo

ye me will pardon because here

nanitaivamnoip'uctur navargo'k' va'ik that I did already to you relate that is two three

ni'.o-k- porke hact6i.dok- a'viam.- word because anything it not*

acic.bai'gio nanaha"kiacturda na'var- anyhow is able that I for them will recount which*

ama'Vak 3 namaritgo"koraG hog' a

are your forms' that they are our manes that

ha'puvi'cima-'c avi'ricda"rakam

thus appears it is dear

avaric'idukam inwi'dur porke anicaric- it is treasure me with-from because I am*

i'krakam to'vur.da'm.kam 4 kugoko

vile wind overness. 4 Then therefore

a'barrdor aviam.ha'cic.bai'gio

which-from it not anyhow is able

nanavo'p-auvturda navara.a'rak porke that I them will equal which is their form because

��hactu'i'duk' anything

��ku'amohSvan.pubo'.- then there hither*

��8 Probably should be -a.a"rak, THEIR FORMS.

4 The accuracy of this phrase is very questionable.

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